[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//25339032/a93132464061171a175ab7e46574a94ac48c451a.png[/img] Hey friends, Welcome to our February 2023 Quality of Life update! This update includes a bunch of fixes, additions and changes designed to help colonies look and feel even better in both the base game and Spaced Out! DLC. That includes UX improvements—like a new search function for the build menu!—along with bug fixes, sweet new cosmetic skins (aka blueprints) and a snippy new tool. [h3]Bugs! Fixes! Changes! [/h3] We’ve been steadily squashing bugs and making changes. Recent efforts include: Critters no longer get stuck in their “Waiting to be Groomed” state! Equipping a suit at a dock no longer plays the yellow alert sound when the suit was previously marked as yellow alert! Drywall can now be rotated! …and more. [h2]Highlights[/h2] [h3]All versions[/h3] [list][*] Added search function to the Build Menu. [*] Added list view option to the Build Menu. [*] Added a new Disconnect tool. [*] Equipping a suit at a dock no longer plays the yellow alert sound when the suit was previously marked as yellow alert. [*] Drywall can now be rotated. [*] Added new cosmetic skins. [*] Dream Journals can now be stored in any storage that allows inedible solids. [/list] [h3]Spaced Out! Only[/h3] [list][*] Squelchy Asteroid now starts with random geysers, like the other Classic-style asteroids. [*] Replacing one rocket module with another now returns materials from the original. [*] Asteroids will no longer be seen on the top edge of certain asteroids, above the red-lined world limit.[/list] [h3]Searchable Build Menu[/h3] There are a lot of buildings in ONI, so we’ve made it easier to find the one you’re actually looking for. The build menu’s new search function pulls up any building whose name is typed into the search field, no matter which category it’s in. You can also search by subcategory (e.g. searching for “Pipes” will pull up all of the pipes in the game) or click on the new list-view icon in each category to browse the subcategories in that section. [h3]New Disconnect Tool[/h3] You can now sever the connection between pipes, wires, Transit Tubes and Conveyor Rails yourself, using the new Disconnect tool. That means your Duplicants can focus on more interesting tasks…or spend more time at the water cooler, if you’re feeling generous. [h3]Supply Closet [/h3] The next time you’re in the Supply Closet, turn up the volume! We’ve added new music and UI sound effects, so it’s more fun than ever to restyle Duplicant outfits and swap out blueprints. (Hint: the latest batch of blueprints includes whimsical new floating friends for Balloon Artists!) To claim your new ONI blueprints: Click on “Supply Closet” in the Main Menu, and hit the “Check Shipments'' button. That’ll take you to the [url=https://accounts.klei.com/account/rewards]Klei Rewards webpage[/url], which has two free mystery crates up for grabs—you’re welcome to redeem both. You can then view your collection of blueprints in your online inventory or in-game, in your Supply Closet. [h3]Summary[/h3] The build menu is now searchable and sorted into subcategories, there’s a new way to cut conduits and connectors, the Supply Closet sounds are jammin’, and we’ve squashed some bugs! You can share bug reports, feedback or ONI-themed philosophies about life [url=https://forums.kleientertainment.com/klei-bug-tracker/oni/]here[/url]. We really appreciate your input. If your mods are breaking or you need a little extra time before switching over, you can opt in to the temporary, unsupported [url=https://forums.kleientertainment.com/forums/topic/140474-previous-update-steam-branch-access/]Previous Update branch[/url]. Full patch notes on the [url=https://klei.gg/ONICurrentUpdate]official forums here[/url].