[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/25339032/dde530bdeaccbd9c11e9f1861064d4cf50986d54.png[/img] Though originally thrown together by cruel cosmic circumstance, the Duplicants of the colony have weathered incredible hardships together and come out the other side as stronger friends for it. Armed with their new talents of self awareness, compassion and extreme friendliness, our intrepid Dupes are now fully committed to supporting each other through life in the colony - the good times, and the bad.  But mostly they'll just chat about cute Hatches. [b]What's New in the Expressive Upgrade?[/b] [u]Duplicant Interactions[/u] Duplicants have new powers of self expression and are now more aware of the colony, themselves, and even their peers. New animations, expressions, and interactions have been added to help the Duplicants convey what's happening to and around them. [b]Key Features[/b] [list] [*] [b]Reaction Animations:[/b] Duplicants will now visibly react when they gain new status effects and notice when important things happen around them. [/*] [*] [b]Interactions:[/b] Duplicants will greet their friends in the halls, chat a bit while working, and compliment each other on a job well done. Turns out they're not alone on this asteroid! [/*] [*] [b]Conversations:[/b] Do you like Mushbars? I like Mushbars! Mushbars are pretty good. You're such a good listener, you know? [/*][/list] [u]Scheduling and Personal Time[/u] As part of their new self-awareness, Duplicants have become concerned about about their Morale. Just because they're buried under miles of rock and slime (and half of them have embarrassing GI problems) doesn't mean they can't be happy! [b]Key Features[/b] [list] [*] [b]Scheduling:[/b] Colonywide schedules can now be adjusted, not only to give the Duplicants much needed Downtime at the end of the day to socialize and unwind, but also to ensure they empty their bladders before they run off to work! [/*] [*] [b]New Recreation Buildings:[/b] While the most basic of breaks can be accomplished by hanging out by the Water Cooler, Duplicants can really let loose at the local Jukebot or Arcade Cabinet! [/*] [*] [b]Morale Expectation:[/b] Job expectations have been unified into a single Morale rating, which encompasses Duplicants' food, lodgings, activities, and whatever else on the asteroid that they find fulfilling. [/*][/list] [b]And More![/b] [list] [*] [b]New Mini Transformer:[/b] A new Mini Transformer has been introduced to improve technological progression through the Research Tree. Pick up the mini version for a quick start into Transformer usage, then build the full Transformer for a real challenge! [/*] [*] [b]Discoverable Lore Entries: [/b]What was "Gravitas", and what was their purpose? How did the Duplicants end up on the asteroid? Inspect buildings, critters, and more to fill your Database and start unraveling the mystery! [/*] [*] [b]Completed Animations and Sounds:[/b] The rest of the Critter animations, including babies, wrangling, and morphs have been completed, along with a number of buildings which previously had been silent. [/*] [*] [b]Tons of bug fixes, rebalances, QOL additions, and more![/b] [/*][/list] We'd like to thank everyone who participated in the Expressive Upgrade Test Branch, submitted your crash and bug reports, and gave your feedback in our [url=https://forums.kleientertainment.com/forum/133-oxygen-not-included-suggestions-and-feedback/]Suggestions Forum[/url]. We're always grateful to hear your thoughts and thank you for the time spent playing our game. Now go take a break! For more info, head over to the official forums:[url=https://forums.kleientertainment.com/game-updates/oni-alpha/279457-r525/][/url] [b][GAME HOTFIX] 280450 - 8/2/2018[/b] [list] [*]ArcadeMachine plays unique player one, player two, and co-op anims. [*]Recreation buildings now list their morale effects. [*]Water cooler and espresso machine now list their mass requirements. [*]Roles Screen: Show expectations on unemployed dupes; make dupe tooltips pop from the dupe name as well. [*]Rooms now explicitly mention the effects they have. [*]Storage lockers are now considered full if they have less than 0.5kg of space left. This should prevent dupes from attempting to top off storage lockers with just a few grams.[/list] [b][GAME HOTFIX] 280243 - 8/1/2018[/b] [list] [*]Fix for graphical corruption happening in the main menu on Linux.[/list] [b][GAME HOTFIX] 280216 - 8/1/2018[/b] [list] [*]Fixed a crash that could occur when dupes walked through an area that previously contained suit lockers. [*]The word "EggShell" should now be translatable. [*]Moved Morale next to stress in the vitals panel. [*]Added some Morale related tips. [*]Fixed missing string reference: "Any". [*]Fixed filter status item not showing the correct element. [*]Fixed a crash that could occur after a Dupe died. [*]Updated Korean and Russian translations. [*]Fixed a crash that could occur on Linux when generating worlds and when loading previous save files. [*]Fixed dupes getting stuck animating in place. [*]Improved Morale display in consumables screen. [*]Fixed a crash that could occur when using the sandbox stamp tools. [*]Fixed a crash that could occur if a creature fell off the map. [*]Fix for the great hall room type sometimes not getting recognized until you reloaded your save file. [*]"Neutral" morale gives a stress bonus [*]The stress from low morale comes on more gently (but has the same maximum) [*]Custom game settings for morale only apply to negative stress effects (and retuned a bit)[/list] [b][GAME HOTFIX] 279899 - 7/30/2018[/b] [list] [*]Fixed an issue where certain objects such as doors were not loading properly if they were saved in the open state.[/list] [b][GAME HOTFIX] 279738 - 7/27/2018[/b] [list] [*]Fixed an issue where ONI log files were getting flooded with warnings.[/list] [b][GAME HOTFIX] 279674 - 7/27/2018[/b] [list] [*]Duplicants now choose a random dance each time they dance [*]Repair various missing/inaccurate strings [*]Duplicants now get disease from the water in a Water Cooler/Espresso Machine [*]Sand should correctly fall through Bunker Doors [*]Espresso machine is now 3 tiles wide [*]Duplicants will no longer appear to drink water from the wash station if headed to the water cooler. [*]Fix a crash when loading queued Refinery orders [*]Fix a crash in generating the Database [*]Fix a crash when loading some pipe networks [*]New Custom Game Setting to tweak the amount of stress gained from insufficient morale [*]Added a popup when loading an existing save game to help players transition to the new morale system[/list]