[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44881810/344c92e7ecf54938f976802fbcb933b612f341e7.jpg[/img] Spotlight Packs #14 are here! For just 48 hours, these packs are available in-game. They highlight the latest content and offer a guarantee of at least one type of card from a group of content sets, Spotlight #14 packs have "Sixties Week" art on them, for fun! They are 49K PP apiece, and contain One Gold+ card from Sixties Week or OOTP 25 Set 4 or Deadline Deals or August A-listers. Otherwise only Non-Live cards. Note that you are NOT guaranteed a Sixties era card. All of the pack 14 details are right here: https://forums.ootpdevelopments.com/showpost.php?p=5129108&postcount=14 Be sure to check out the brand-new Sixties cards - released today! Enjoy!