Hello fellow Mallows :3 We are excited to present you the first patch for our One S'more Demo. This Patch contains some redesigned levels, adjusted difficulty curves, quality of life improvements and much more! Feel free to send us Feedback via our social media, discord or with our ingame feedback tool ^_^ Have a very nice and delicious 6th of december! [b]Tutorial [/b] - [ Changed ] Hint Levels moved into main campaign - [ Changed ] Levels adjusted to increase readability - [ Removed ] Tutorial GIFs - [ Removed ] Saving skipped tutorial which caused some issues on the Overworld start position - [ Fixed ] Tutorial Level 2 wrong Button is displayed [b]Levels [/b] - [ Changed ] Some of the first levels have been redone to make them easier - [ Changed ] Level order has been adjusted to create a better difficulty curve - [ Changed ] Readability of what to do in some levels have been adjusted - [ Changed ] Visual consistensy in some levels have been improved - [ Changed ] Border of tropical campaign levels - [ Fixed ] Hint button active in levels where it shouldn´t be [b]Platform [/b] - [ Added ] Mac support [b]Other [/b] - [ Added ] Splashscreens - [ Added ] New Logo inside Mainmenu - [ Added ] Level Progression is now displayed in the Overworld - [ Added ] QR Code is now a button you can click on as well - [ Changed ] Desktop Icon ( the old one was weirldy blurry ) - [ Changed ] Social Media Logos have been adjusted to the current UI Style - [ Changed ] Water Resolution has been adjusted - [ Changed ] Water Shader wobble has been adjusted - [ Changed ] Pudding Jump Animation has been adjusted - [ Changed ] Overworld colors has been adjusted - [ Changed ] Ingame text inconsistensies have been removed - [ Changed ] Season Panel inside Editor has been adjusted - [ Changed ] Level Limit inside Editor Browser has been visually adjusted - [ Changed ] Music is now a full loop - [ Changed ] Readability of the Level progression inside the Overworld has been improved - [ Removed ] Marshmallow dots on his Skin - [ Removed ] Selectable abandoned seasons inside the overworld - [ Removed ] Skip button in overworld pause menu - [ Removed ] Eyebrows in the Overworld - [ Fixed ] Marshmallow rotating to player after delay while in the Overworld - [ Fixed ] Resolutions dropdown menu scrollfield has been fixed - [ Fixed ] Game settings now are beeing saved after quitting - [ Fixed ] A missing fade to the Overworld - [ Fixed ] A missing fade after pressing start in the main menu - [ Fixed ] Wrong resolution when starting the game for the first time - [ Fixed ] Overworld anti aliasing - [ Fixed ] Level display freezes and will be shown permanently after pressing ESC and many other things!