[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44822215/06fc6fae7176dad7dfe6f1d91979c45e96062fd9.png[/img] [h2]🎉 Office Fight is Out Now! 🎉[/h2] We’re thrilled to announce that we launched Office Fight last week! 🥂 But while we're excited about our game's release, we can't ignore the harsh reality that many of our fellow developers are still facing waves of layoffs. Too many amazing games never get the chance to see the light of day. It's a tough time for the games industry, and we feel it deeply. After our team was laid off, we decided to come together to create Fenix Studios and develop Office Fight as a bit of cathartic relief. ([i]Because, let’s be honest, who hasn’t fantasized about launching their monitor at the office Karen? And for the tenth time, this meeting could’ve been an emaillll..[/i]) We know Office Fight won't solve the bigger problems in the industry, but we hope it can bring a smile to someone’s face — even if it’s just from lobbing a virtual coffee cup across the office. [h2]Our [i]Two Weeks Notice[/i] Campaign[/h2] As part of our celebrations of release, we launched our [b][i]Two Weeks Notice Campaign[/i][/b]. If you've recently been made redundant, we’d love to offer you a free copy of Office Fight. Head over to [url=office-fight.com/twoweeksnotice]our website[/url] to claim your copy! This campaign ends on Wednesday the 4th of September, so make sure you reach out before then! P.S. 👀 Looking to add some personal flair to your Office Fight experience? You can customize your levels and characters… ([i]For legal reasons, we're not saying you can recreate your very frustrating boss, but we're also[/i] not [i]saying you[/i] can't [i]RKO them in-game[/i] 😉) [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44822215/423b31e6b4f43f327dc545f1250854046ab8eeed.gif[/img] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]If you're reading this, thanks for sticking with us this far! We’re excited to keep sharing more updates about the development of Office Fight, diving into the fun (and sometimes chaotic) process of bringing our game to life. Stay tuned for more behind-the-scenes looks and sneak peeks into what’s coming next![/i] [i]In the meantime, come join the Fenix Studios community on [url=https://discord.gg/MZHW8McbWq]Discord[/url]! You’ll find all the latest updates, discussions, and can hang out with our developers.[/i] [i]P.S. If you want to support us, you can wishlist or grab your copy of Office Fight on Steam, and if you’ve already played, a positive review would mean the world to us. Thanks for helping us bring a bit of office chaos to life![/i] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2747060/Office_Fight/