[h1]Octodad: Dadliest Catch, Version 1.0.10377[/h1] [b]Sea Legs[/b] [list] [*]Added intro cutscene [*]Replaced initial stealth segment with new objective [*]Added new objectives while on deck of the boat [*]Replaced end encounter challenge [*]Additional voiceovers [/list] [b]Silent but Dadly[/b] [list] [*]Replaced gift shop room stealth segment with new objective [*]Added more solutions to stealth segment in entrance area [*]Added new, guided objective to replace final stealth portion of the level (previous path still exists) [*]Changed tie location to account for changed objective [*]Additional voiceovers [/list] [b]Hot Concessions[/b] [list] [*]Added cutscene for respawning in rafters [*]Reduced likelihood of glitches when in rafters [*]Improved camera placement [*]Replaced instant loss hit within final challenge to be force + suspicion [/list] [b]Other Levels:[/b] [list] [*]Wedding Bells - Added additional checkpoint after leaving reception room [*]Gervason’s Grocery - Changed Soda City layout, added new cameras to freezer section, added additional animaton for Chef [*]Shark Naked - Added loss animation, changed music, additional rumble [*]Improved performance for World of Kelp, Aquatic Fun Center, Silent but Dadly, Hot Concessions [*]Various other level design bug fixes [/list] [b]Other:[/b] [list] [*]Ability to toggle audio output between mono, stereo, 5.1 surround, 7.1 surround [*]Reduce access to save file, create additional backups to saves. [*]Resize fullscreen resolution down if desktop resolution is smaller than 1280x720 (or game resolution) [*]Tutorial notifications now change instantly based on dominant device [*]Linux uses CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW now instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. [/list] [b]Editor[/b] [list] [*]Fixed an issue with fog settings affecting multiple tabbed levels [*]Fixed an issue where attributes would not properly show up when creating an object [*]Added link to wiki in Help menu [*]Log when end level event occurs [/list] [h1]FAQ:[/h1] [b]Why did you make significant changes to some of the levels in the later part of the game?[/b] Many players found these levels to be a significant departure from the earlier levels because it too heavily relied on stealth as a game mechanic, which did not work out too well. These levels did not get as much iteration and playtesting as the earlier levels did. [b]How does this affect speed runs?[/b] Most of the original paths still exist, but there is an emphasis on the new objectives/solutions for typical players to complete.