Octodad: Dadliest Catch Original Soundtrack [url]http://store.steampowered.com/app/296170/[/url] Written and Produced by Seth Parker. Artwork by Chris Stallman. You can find more music from Kozilek [url=kozilek.bandcamp.com]here[/url]. Ian McKinney's Bandcamp is [url=ianmckinney.bandcamp.com]here[/url]. and more of Whitaker Trebella's tunes are [url=wtrebella.bandcamp.com]here[/url]. If you purchased the soundtrack DLC the files will be placed in your Octodad Dadliest Catch folder in the Steam Directory: ...\Steam\SteamApps\common\Octodad Dadliest Catch\Octodad Dadliest Catch Original Soundtrack\ (Right click Octodad Dadliest Catch in the Games list -> Local Files -> Browse Local Files).