[h1]Octodad: Dadliest Catch, Version 1.0.9874[/h1] [b]Linux:[/b] [list] [*]Fix for SDL mouse controls inverting when invisible cursor got near the edge of the screen and got reset to center (especially noticeable at small resolutions and/or high mouse sensitivity and kind of screwed up otherwise). (Thanks to [Fin] Gamoobro for reporting). [*]Mouse cursor now clipped to the window when the cursor is hidden in play mode (no more cursor escaping in windowed mode). [*]Fix for sound sometimes muting if the cursor leaves the window or in fullscreen mode. [*]gettimeofday() replaced with clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) to have more accurate delta time and prevent possible freezes if another application changes the system time while the game is running. [/list]