[b]v.[/b] [h2]Addition[/h2][hr][/hr] [b]Bifröst -[/b] When playing solo, after surviving each wave you’ll now be able to pick 2 bonuses among 6. (Instead of 1 among 3 previously) [h2]Bugfixes[/h2][hr][/hr] [list][*] [b]Servers -[/b] Added tools to investigate the servers issues [*] [b]Bifrost -[/b] Fixed Gullveig tile colonizable with Wolf or Kraken abilities [*] [b]Bifrost -[/b] Fixed some crashes [*] [b]Bifrost -[/b] Fixed Muspelheim tower text [*] [b]Bifrost -[/b] Fixed Operatives Dwarves unable to use portal in Niflheim [*] [b]Stoat -[/b] Fixed crash in conquest Gold Rush when selecting a Duchy with a mine and a gold deposit in the tile [*] [b]Hound -[/b] Fixed bonuses text not displayed in conquest and Bifrost [*] [b]Conquest -[/b] Fixed bonus not unlocked when loading a save or playing in coop (won't work on bonus gathered from the update) [*] [b]Cross of Vidar -[/b] Fixed crash when loading a checkpoint in mission 6 [*] [b]Neutral -[/b] Fixed Ljosalf spawning in other game mods than Bifrost[/list] [h2]Known Issues[/h2][hr][/hr] [list][*] [b]Bifrost -[/b] Owl branch not granting the effect in ally territory[/list] https://store.steampowered.com/app/466560/Northgard/ [hr][/hr]SOCIALS - [url=https://discord.gg/northgard style=button]DISCORD[/url] | [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/Northgard/ style=button]REDDIT [/url] | [url=https://x.com/Northgard_Game style=button]X/TWITTER[/url] | [url=https://www.facebook.com/northgard/ style=button]FACEBOOK[/url]