[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33816718/c5af1640e3311571970e587223dc4c9d4fef0c7c.gif[/img] Here it is, the Pet Update! You can now invest in your very own furry friend. But just before you check out the new features, we'd like to announce something: [h1]Gamescom & Launch of v1.0[/h1] Two big announcements: The team will be present at the upcoming [b]Gamescom[/b] trade fair in Cologne (20-24 August 2019). If you happen to attend please come by and say hello! Second announcement is the official launch of the game from Early Access to full release. This update will include a completely revamped score screen, a mission system and some more goodies. What does the launch of v1.0 mean for the future of the game? Don't fret or panic, we're not abandoning the game on the 21st! We will continue to update the game with bug fixes and features but on a slightly different schedule. We're a small studio and need to get the game on more platforms to reach a larger group of players. So, with this we're also announcing that No Time to Relax will launch on at least two additional platforms: The Nintendo Switch and Xbox. With that our timeline has been shifted a little bit. Some features will be launched with the console release while other features ended up on the trash heap as we didn't feel they made the game more fun. [h1]Nintendo Switch & Xbox[/h1] We are super excited to announce that No Time to Relax is coming to the Switch and Xbox. We plan to launch a [b]free[/b] feature update (on all platforms) with the launch on each new platform. So for the next month or two the updates will address bugs and/or minor tweaks. We'll start with the Switch but don't have an exact date for you just yet (we'll tell you as soon as we know!). [h1]Pets[/h1] [list] [*] [b]Pet Store[/b]: Head over to the new Pet Store that just opened in the Mall and get your very own pet. [*] [b]Pets[/b]: After buying a pet you need to make sure it's well fed and happy (for those extra points!). [*] [b]Guardians[/b]: Your pet is not only a never-ending spring of joy, it also guards you from the dangers of this world. [/list] [h1]Fixes and Tweaks[/h1] [list] [*] [b]Mouse Disappearing[/b]: The mouse would sometimes not register clicks until moved again. That has been fixed. [*] [b]Not losing clothes[/b]: Squashed a bug where player avatars would not lose their clothes when they should. [*] [b]Bank Clothes[/b]: There was a way for players to leave the Bank and still keep their work clothes. [*] [b]Wrong Building[/b]: Sometimes, in online play, the incorrect building was selected on round start. [*] [b]Stuck Buttons[/b]: Buttons could sometimes get stuck in the pressed state. [*] [b]Button Highlights[/b]: We made the highlighting of certain buttons (like Pay Rent) more pronounced. [*] [b]Trigger Buttons[/b]: You can now use trigger buttons on controllers to switch between Bank and Investments. [*] [b]Online Menus[/b]: Are now (finally!) animated and better support controllers. [*] [b]Small Tweaks[/b]: Bunch of smaller graphics tweaks to make the game shine even more. [/list] Thanks and best regards from all of us here at the Porcelain HQ!