As promised, this is our first big feature update. We've gotten a lot of requests for more player interaction and this is our first feature set to introduce PvP with a bang. When you choose Competitive Mode a new building, Hex 'R Us, will appear snugged between the University and the Culture building. There you can spend a little bit of health or happiness to curse the other players. We have more features planned for the competitive mode later on. Until then please let us know what you think about this feature update and [b]how you[/b] think it could be made better [h1]Competitive Mode[/h1] [list] [*] [b]Competitive[/b]: Select Competitive mode to include the Hex building [*] [b]Peaceful[/b]: Peaceful mode allows players to enjoy the classic gameplay [*] [b]Hex Building[/b]: Six Hexes are available to buy. These are sure to mess up your foes' week. [*] [b]Evil Cloud Hex[/b]: Allows you to close a building down. No one can get in! [*] [b]Zombie Hooligans Hex[/b]: Sets loose a gang of zombie hooligans who will steal anything they see. [*] [b]First Player Token Hex[/b]: You are now the first player. The first to choose what hexes to buy! [*] [b]Plague City Hex[/b]: Sets loose a horrible plague all over the city. [*] [b]Slow Down Hex[/b]: Slows down you competitors significantly. [*] [b]Stress Out Hex[/b]: Nail biting, hair pulling and teeth gnashing are all a part of this hex. [*] [b]No CPU[/b]: Unfortunately, we couldn't get this working with the CPU player. We'll have to update it in the future and add the option to do so. [/list] [h1]Other New Features and Fixes[/h1] [list] [*] See item effects before buying. [*] A few network bug fixes. [*] A few minor bug fixes. [/list] [h1]0.10.3 Hotfix[/h1] [list] [*] Three items had wrong effect information. Fixed that! [*] Your score turns gray when at 0 [/list]