[h1]Game Launched[/h1] Finally, our game is now available to the general public! We've been working hard for the past year to get to this point. The game is stable and fully playable but we still feel it needs a little more pizzazz. That's what the next few months will be about. We want to hear from you what might make No Time to Relax an even better experience. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33816718/dbfb73d8a729c5ad7120af9fdd2ecb3735271f58.png[/img] [h1]New Features[/h1] [list] [*] [b]CPU Player[/b]: You can now challenge the computer to a mind-bending game of No Time to Relax. At the moment you can't add a CPU player when playing online though. This option might be added later on. [*] [b]Weekend Activities[/b]: Added more and finished removing all Placeholder text in game. [*] [b]Bug fixes[/b]: We fixed a lot of bugs, oh such bugs did we fix! [/list] [h1]Upcoming[/h1] A lot of powder went into getting the CPU player ready for launch. These are the features we'll be tackling next. [list] [*] [b]Special Objectives[/b]: This is the next big feature. We want to add the option of playing with random objectives. These give points at the end of the game. Objectives such as: Furthest Distance Walked, Longest time spent naked or Eat 10 packs of fries. We'll share more about this feature as soon as we something more concrete to show. [*] [b]Localization[/b]: Our priority when it comes to localization is Chinese, German and Japanese. Other languages might follow (we promised Zelastion to translate the game to German and by Gods we will). [*] [b]Single Player & End Screen[/b]: Like we've said before we are unhappy with the single player experience and want to make it better. We also want to do another run on the End Screen and Winning screen for multi and single player. [*] [b]Better Tutorial[/b]: The current tutorial feels too much like a wall of text. We'll look into polishing it. [*] [b]Polish[/b]: Our task board is full of big and small polish tasks. We'll be tackling these in conjunction with other tasks. E.g. we are adding a special Robot body for the CPU player. This might make him unstoppable. [*] [b]Weekend Activities[/b]: Our artists have been working hard on new Weekend Card art. We'll be adding these in the next update. We also have a barrel of monkeys armed with typewrites writing out fun words for you to read (for the new cards and the ones already in game). [*] [b]Balancing[/b]: We've tried to tweak the game to be both fun and challenging. We feel we've done a good job of it so far but there are still knobs that need tuning. [/list] [h1]Known Bugs[/h1] There are bugs in game we know about but did not have time to fix. You can read about them here... please don't mock us because of them. [list] [*] [b]CPU & Menu[/b]: Entering the main menu while the computer is playing might cause it to go haywire. This will be fixed ASAP but shouldn't affect you if you just go into the menu on a human player's turn. [*] [b]Online Multiplayer[/b]: We've yet to catch and react correctly to everything that can go wrong in the online portion of the game. As such you might run into some bugs there. If you do, we'd love to hear about it! [*] [b]Windowed Mode[/b]: Our UI whisperer did all of the menu animations in full screen and didn't test them out in windowed mode. He has brought shame upon his UI family. He has promised to test each and every animation in windowed mode and fix them. [*] [b]Resolutions[/b]: The game is fixed to run in a 16:9 aspect ratio (like 1920x1080 or 2560x1440). We've tried to hard code this as best we can for all weird and different screen sizes. If you run into problems running it on your screen the let us know! [*] [b]Grammar[/b]: The game's text has not been proof-read yet. If you find any errors then let us know and we'll give you a No-Prize. [/list]