[img]https://images.ctfassets.net/j95d1p8hsuun/40M1Jmiksb6kkP1uAuM6sW/5f81a55084f18d7a8aba90fae3bb9a67/MegaMetal_Marketing.png[/img] Greetings, Adventurers! Some of your favorite Store skins like the Reaper’s Abode, Sable Dragoon, and Devil Went Down to Aeternum are back for a limited time. These items can be obtained in exchange for Marks of Fortune until 6AM PT (1:00PM UTC) on June 11. Check out the full selection, including armor skins, weapon skins, emotes, and more below. [h2]FEATURED SKINS[/h2] Look forward to these returning items throughout this month. Each outfit found below is a complete set, with skins that can be applied to headwear, chestwear, gloves, legwear, and footwear. [h3]DEVIL WENT DOWN TO AETERNUM[/h3] [img]https://images.ctfassets.net/j95d1p8hsuun/7lpmaO3qwxbC88IrOqe7c3/7849f5a998dc241e4c42a9867c9afa4e/DevilWentDownToAeternum_V2_1920x1080.jpg[/img] "Proof you've outsmarted the devil himself in a fiddle play-off." Cost: 15,000 Marks of Fortune [h3]SABLE DRAGOON[/h3] [img]https://images.ctfassets.net/j95d1p8hsuun/3Fe1B0SRX0uQsOxNBHnavx/867b1232f2c4d584407d2c96da326b78/NW_MayStoreUpdate_SableDragonV2_1920x1080_FINAL_CT-001886.jpg[/img] “The infamous Black Dragon is as powerful as it is fearsome.“ Cost: 15,000 Marks of Fortune [h3]PALADIN OF OR[/h3] [img]https://images.ctfassets.net/j95d1p8hsuun/3CyQloFSMCkv0iypxU9FUS/09865187e64b457e472f6cf00ab02120/NW_MayStoreUpdate_PaladinOfOr_1920x1080_FINAL_CT-001886.jpg[/img] “Knights of gold have no fear and march on to wherever order is in needed.” Cost: 15,000 Marks of Fortune [h3]SPIKED SHREDDER[/h3] [img]https://images.ctfassets.net/j95d1p8hsuun/62SztXsPQhEMGwdJdfi3z9/8ebbc1cdc184e3f86bdcd506b81b0284/SpikedShredder_V2_1920x1080.jpg[/img] "Because you're not hardcore unless you live hardcore." Cost: 15,000 Marks of Fortune [h3]HORNED HERO[/h3] [img]https://images.ctfassets.net/j95d1p8hsuun/1WwmFGyX7Iez8LGjxwlFBI/b6ec870b1c591a9375ae4c3ac2c10c0a/HornedHero_V2_1920x1080.jpg[/img] "Be the diehard hero of the Medleyfaire with this intimidating style." Cost: 15,000 Marks of Fortune [h3]APPAREL SKINS[/h3] [list] [*] Argent Herald - 15,000 Marks of Fortune [*] Moonborne Apparel - 15,000 Marks of Fortune [*] Starbound Apparel - 15,000 Marks of Fortune [/list] [h3]CAMP SKINS[/h3] [img]https://images.ctfassets.net/j95d1p8hsuun/29UkxOwiS9W8IyuelV18UV/3aba19954becc4a0e634828d9adc437f/Reaper-sAbode_1920x1080.jpg[/img] [list] [*] Reaper's Abode - 20,000 Marks of Fortune [*] Full Moon Marquee - 20,000 Marks of Fortune [*] Fortune Teller's Tent - 20,000 Marks of Fortune [*] Metalholme - 20,000 Marks of Fortune [/list] [h3]WEAPON SKINS[/h3] [img]https://images.ctfassets.net/j95d1p8hsuun/59tMp8b6xqtv0SL1slqwO7/fc1b7f93d11e060c6ee8f590d185fec3/HekatesTower_V2_1_1920x1080.jpg[/img] [list] [*] Hekate’s Tower Shield Skin - 8,500 Marks of Fortune [*] Crescent’s Curve Hatchet Skin - 8,500 Marks of Fortune [*] Faith’s Lance Spear Skin - 7,500 Marks of Fortune [*] The Magician’s Delight - Life Staff Skin - 8,500 Marks of Fortune [*] Setting Sun’s Darkness - Void Gauntlet Skin - 7,500 Marks of Fortune [*] Fortuneteller - Blunderbuss Skin - 8,500 Marks of Fortune [/list] [h3]EMOTES[/h3] [img]https://images.ctfassets.net/j95d1p8hsuun/3q9EwI0vDoMDjnkXUa4L9G/b2631aeb2e0822eba8c1eb6e1afecdca/Emote_Headbanging_1920x1080.jpg[/img] [list] [*] Headbanging Emote - 3,000 Marks of Fortune [*] Skip Emote - 3,000 Marks of Fortune [*] Keepie Uppie - 3,000 Marks of Fortune [*] Arm Flex Emote - 3,000 Marks of Fortune [*] Devil Horns - 3,000 Marks of Fortune [/list] [h3]TOOL SKIN BUNDLES[/h3] [b]DESTINY’S GUILE[/b] [img]https://images.ctfassets.net/j95d1p8hsuun/6Igi2x3XnZjBtRHiXg4aJX/09045ff3e6a16f7e0c45fb78dd2ea6af/EN_APR_DestinysGuile_1920x1080.jpg[/img] "Wealth and resources do not guarantee a glorious destiny." Cost: 20,000 Marks of Fortune [h3]HOUSING[/h3] [b]HEAVY METAL DECOR BUNDLE[/b] [img]https://images.ctfassets.net/j95d1p8hsuun/75cKEBtIBpLIthLaReOu3U/805f5e7f46a16261b1ad357d1fb2c2fb/HeavyMetalDecorBundle_1920x1080.jpg[/img] "Know that if you come knocking, this house will be rocking." Includes: [list] [*] Iron-Song Music Box [*] Iron-Song Spiked Chair [*] Iron-Song Drum Chandelier [*] Iron-Song Hand Sculpture [*] Iron-Song Axe Lute [*] Iron-Song Spiked Guitar [*] Iron-Song Painting [/list] Cost: 15,000 Marks of Fortune [h3]PETS[/h3] [b]SPRINGTIME BUNNY HOUSING PET[/b] [img]https://images.ctfassets.net/j95d1p8hsuun/2DoG8qmNbn6q6mGN80KsWR/fa9eb46eae2944de3abaa70fe2fa9cba/SpringtimeBunny_1920x1080.jpg[/img] "This hare loves to wear his springtime outfit." Cost: 12,000 Marks of Fortune [h3]BUNDLES[/h3] [img]https://images.ctfassets.net/j95d1p8hsuun/40M1Jmiksb6kkP1uAuM6sW/5f81a55084f18d7a8aba90fae3bb9a67/MegaMetal_Marketing.png[/img] These bundles are pro-rated, so if you’ve already purchased something in the bundle, that will reduce the cost. [list] [*] Heavy Metal Mega-Pack - 99,000 Marks of Fortune [*] Knight of Honor Bundle - 33,000 Marks of Fortune [*] Weapons of Yore Bundle - 37,500 Marks of Fortune [*] Heavy Metal Instrument Bundle - 37,500 Marks of Fortune [/list] Let us know which skins you want us to bring back in the next store unvaulting. Thanks for your support! We’ll see you in Aeternum.