1.修复士兵战斗中卡着不动的bug 2.修改军团行进路径平滑度 3.修复2D战场无法布阵的bug 4.增加3D战场布阵的功能 5.略微降低水磨坊的效果 6.修复捕鱼码头的数值错误 7.AI将会更加积极的进攻,不再局限于邻国 8.屏蔽游戏中的一些外部链接 9.加快AI执行速度,减少玩家等待时间 10.修改AI判断邻接国家的方案,AI将通过行政版图来判断对方是否为邻国 11.取消将领的战术能力对攻城时间的影响 12.恶名增加军队的招募费用 13.威望对战斗力的加成最多:50%,取消对军队招募费用的减免 14.取消玩家额外的移动力,取消将领的战术对于军团移动力的影响 15.降低贸易商品木材的buff效果 16.军团移动路径平滑 1.修復士兵戰鬥中卡着不動的bug 2.修改軍團行進路徑平滑度 3.修復2D戰場無法佈陣的bug 4.增加3D戰場佈陣的功能 5.略微降低水磨坊的效果 6.修復捕魚碼頭的數值錯誤 7.AI將會更加積極的進攻,不再侷限於鄰國 8.屏蔽遊戲中的一些外部鏈接 9.加快AI執行速度,減少玩家等待時間 10.修改AI判斷鄰接國家的方案,AI將通過行政版圖來判斷對方是否爲鄰國 11.取消將領的戰術能力對攻城時間的影響 12.惡名增加軍隊的招募費用 13.威望對戰鬥力的加成最多:50%,取消對軍隊招募費用的減免 14.取消玩家額外的移動力,取消將領的戰術對於軍團移動力的影響 15.降低貿易商品木材的buff效果 16.軍團移動路徑平滑 1. Fixed a bug where soldiers were stuck in combat 2. Modify the smoothness of the legion's path 3. Fixed a bug where 2D battlefields could not be deployed 4. Add the function of 3D battlefield formation 5. Slightly reduce the effect of the water mill 6. Fix numeric errors on fishing docks 7.AI will be more aggressive and not limited to neighboring countries 8. Block some external links in the game 9. Speed up AI execution and reduce player wait times 10. Modify the AI's scheme for determining neighboring countries. AI will determine whether a country is a neighboring country based on its administrative territory 11. Remove the influence of the leader's tactical ability on the siege time 12. It is notorious for increasing the recruitment costs of the army 13. Prestige adds up to 50% to combat effectiveness, eliminating the reduction in military recruitment costs 14. Remove the extra movement power of the player, and remove the influence of the leader's tactics on the movement power of the regiment 15. Reduced the buff effect of trade timber 16. Legion movement path is smooth