[h3] Hey Horse Lovers! 🐎💖 We know you have a ton of questions about breeding horses in My Horse: Bonded Spirits, especially when it comes to interacting with other horses in the stable. We've gathered some of the most frequently asked questions from our community and provided answers to help you on your equestrian journey. Feel free to check them out below! [/h3] [b] Q: Is there breeding and raising horses in the game? [/b] A: Yes, but not in a direct form. In the Stable Management tab, you have the option to pair a selected horse from your stable with a horse from another stable. To perform this action, you must have a free box in your stable 👆. As a result, you will receive a new, already adult horse with an additional trait, "Born in Stable," which allows you to build stats faster. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43952660/4956c207893d1aa07aa8abf7bb74b5dec20d20d3.png[/img] --- [b] Q: Can the player interact with other horses in the stable, besides their own? [/b] A: The player cannot interact with other horses; they are petted, fed, and watered by the stable staff. After completing the main storyline and unlocking level 10 bonding, the player can continue the adventure with a new horse, forming a completely new bond with it. This time it will be faster thanks to the already developed character skills. --- [b] Q: How else can you acquire horses besides pairing them? [/b] A: Every week, there is an event in the game - a marketplace where the player can buy and sell horses. --- [b] Q: Can the player send "bred" and bought horses to competitions and earn money from them? [/b] A: Horses are a representative part of the stable. They help build its reputation, among other things. They participate in competitions and other events. We can also make them available for riding to guests or train them for work in hippotherapy. All these events happen out of sight of the player, and management of such events in possible trough the stud management UI. We hope these answers help you bond even more with your beloved horses! Remember, every horse is unique, and building a strong connection takes time and patience 💝 We invite you to seed your questions in the comments below 👇 If there is a need, we will do further editions of the FAQ, on other issues in our game 📝 See you soon, My Horse : Bonded Spirits Team