[b]Musicmenia - Multilanguage Update[/b] [b]New Features:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Text Translation Support for New Languages:[/b] French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean have been added. This update only covers text translation, voiceovers are still available only in English and Spanish. [/list] [b]Improved Keyboard Shortcuts:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Tab:[/b] Player menu and statistics. [*] [b]1:[/b] Main menu. [*] [b]2:[/b] Decks. [*] [b]3:[/b] Collection. [*] [b]4:[/b] Packs. [*] [b]5:[/b] Shop. [*] [b]Escape:[/b] Options. [*] [b]Spacebar:[/b] Open packs. [/list] [b]Improvements and Fixes:[/b] [list] [*] Optimization of translations. [*] Minor bug fixes. [*] General performance enhancements. [/list] [b]Report Issues:[/b] If you encounter translation errors or have suggestions, report them here: [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2291250/discussions/3/]Localization Bug Report Forum[/url]