[b][u]General [/u][/b] [list] [*] All fighters are now available for play in local play game modes [*] In Ranked modes, players will no longer be matched where there is a difference of more than 2 full tiers in Rank. For 2v2, parties of 2 will be matched based on the higher ranked player in the party. [*] In Platinum, Diamond, and Master tiers RP loss is capped at -19. [*] If you haven't played a character recently, your win/loss streak will be reset for the purpose of matchmaking. This applies to both Ranked and Unranked modes. [/list] [b][u]General Combat [/u][/b] With the Ground Bounce Auto-Tech system now in place, we're able to start bringing back more ground bounces and improve combo routes and approach options. This is the beginning of this effort. [list] [*] Air Down and Air Down-Forward Dodges will now more reliably land on platforms [*] Certain air attacks now maintain less momentum when executed as part of a dodge off of a platform [/list] [b][u]General Bugfixes [/u][/b] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where controller rumble was not properly playing [*] Fixed an issue where the Marceline Ringout was disabled [*] Fixed an issue where Voice Lines were not playing for some characters [/list] [u][b]Rifts [/b][/u] [b]Rift Updates [/b] [list] [*] "In The Shadows" gem is now re-enabled [*] Fixed issues with the camera preventing progression during the co-op golf mini-game [/list] [u][b]Characters [/b][/u] Legend: + = Buff - = Nerf ~ = Change * = Bugfix Note: Attacks callouts reference default controls. [b]Agent Smith [/b] [i] Ground Up Attack [/i] [list] [*] + On-hit cancel window advanced 2 frames [/list] [i] Air Up Attack [/i] [list] [*] + Repeat-move lockout reduced to 13 frames from 18 frames [/list] [i] Air Neutral Special [/i] [list] [*] + Start-up window before charge reduced 4 frames [/list] [b]Beetlejuice [/b] [i] Ground Dash Attack [/i] [list] [*] + Knockback scaling increased to 20 from 18 [*] + Damage increased to 9 from 8 [/list] [i] Ground Side Attack 2 [/i] [list] [*] + On-hit cancel window advanced 1 frame [*] - Hitstun reduced [/list] [i] Ground Side Attack 3 [/i] [list] [*] + Start-up window reduced 3 frames [/list] [i] Ground Down Attack [/i] [list] [*] + Start-up window before charge reduced 4 frames [/list] [i] Ground Up Attack [/i] [list] [*] + On-hit cancel window advanced 5 frames [*] ~ Hitbox updated to better match the fist on up attack [/list] [i] Air Side Attack [/i] [list] [*] + Damage increased to 8 from 7 [*] + Knockback scaling increased to 15 from 13.5 [/list] [i] Air Up Attack [/i] [list] [*] + Damage increased to 7 from 6 [*] + Knockback scaling increased to 9 from 8 [/list] [i] Ground Down Special [/i] [list] [*] * Fixed an issue where the bomb visuals would stay on screen if the ground disappeared underneath Beetlejuice [/list] [i] Air Side Special [/i] [list] [*] + Sour Spot Hitbox Damage increased to 7 from 5 [*] - Sour Spot Hitbox Knockback reduced to 2650 from 2800 [*] + Knockback Scaling to 15 from 9 [/list] [b]Garnet [/b] [i] "Marker" Perk [/i] [list] [*] ~ Gauntlets no longer spawn a star if the gauntlets are too close to the edge of the arena [/list] [b]Jake [/b] [i] Air/Ground Side Special [/i] [list] [*] * Fixed an issue where Jake wouldn't look like he was running while moving as a horse [/list] [b]LeBron [/b] [i]Air Down Attack (Basketball and No Basketball Versions) [/i] [list] [*] + Now allows fast-fall during attack start-up [/list] [i] Air Neutral Attack [/i] [list] [*] ~ More upward aerial momentum is maintained on attack start-up [/list] [b]Morty [/b] This is a revert to the Air Side Attack 1 changes from patch 1.2.0. This should make the Air Side Attack more reliable connecting into Air Side Attack 2 and it should bring back its ground bounce properties due to the knockback angle popping up less. [i] Air Side Attack 1 [/i] [list] [*] - Knockback reduced to 1000 from 1300 [*] - Knockback scaling reduced to 5 from 6 [*] + Knockback angle made more horizontal allows for more ground bouncing [/list] [i] Air Down Attack [/i] [list] [*] + Hitbox start-up time advanced 1 frame; Hitbox active duration increased 1 frame [*] ~ Visual effects now better match attack properties [/list] [i] Ground Up Attack [/i] [list] [*] + Gun tip Hitbox damage increased to 6 from 1 [*] + Knockback increased to 1350 from 750 [/list] [b]Reindog [/b] [i] Ground Side Attack 1 [/i] [list] [*] - Hitstun reduced [/list] [i] Air Side Attack [/i] [list] [*] + Knockback made more downwards to allow ground bounce combos [/list] [i] Air Neutral Attack [/i] [list] [*] + Projectile start-up time reduced 1 frame [/list] [b]Shaggy [/b] [i] Rage Air Side Special [/i] [list] [*] * Fixed an issue where this attack was breaking armor unintentionally [/list] [b]Taz [/b] [i] Dodge Land [/i] [list] [*] * Fixed an issue where Taz's dodge land would not slide off of platforms [/list]