PATCH 1.03
Author: WADEV,
published 7 months ago,
[b]PATCH 1.03 NOTES[/b]
- TWITCH INTEGRATION now has a chat voting system (beta)
- DEFENDER shield enemy, shield turn invisible fixed.
- Now if you stand on top of a drone. you kill the drone like a 8-bit hero.
- OPTIMIZATIONS - More Performance improvments
- Some ALT tab issues fixed.
- Lots of LANGUAGE fixes.
- Lots of small bug fixes.
- Performance problems when STEAM IMPUT is being used.
If you experience frame drops, try to turn STEAM INPUT off.
- TWITCH voting chat function not tested with massive audience, we are not famous on twitch. =(
- Binding system issues with keyboard.
[b]WHAT´S NEXT:[/b]
- quality of life adjustments like no hints and no tutorial options
- Better binding options like space, return and enter.
- speedrun friendly adjustments.
[b]You can now buy Mullet MadJack and also join our community on Discord
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