Hi friends, I wanted to let you know that editions of Mountain are available for bidding / purchase through the digital art-sales platform Nifty Gateway - Click the link below to visit...... [url=https://niftygateway.com/collections/davidoreilly]- [b]MOUNTAIN TIME SERIES - digital editions[/b] - [/url] Only 17 hours remain to bid on the [url=https://niftygateway.com/itemdetail/primary/0x8db20e908afef5695baa63ef076189a9b37051cc/1]Millennium[/url] video. This captures 1,000 years of Mountain. [url=https://niftygateway.com/collections/davidoreilly][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//6505275/8a03eab2583c440783c3fcb5e786c38a0cbef3b1.png[/img][/url] [b]What is this all about?[/b] You can right click and save these videos, but collecting them costs money. They are tokenized on the blockchain, verifying who owns them. This is all new technology, heres a [url=https://niftygateway.com/whatisanifty]short FAQ[/url] on the Nifty Gateway site. ~ This strange year began with an incredible installation of Mountain in Japan - [url=https://twitter.com/davidoreilly/status/1336775786167078912]I posted about it on twitter today[/url]. It was sadly cut short. [url=https://twitter.com/davidoreilly/status/1336775786167078912][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//6505275/d1ce0c940df03b8dc837286acd95b42d9de14a64.jpg[/img][/url] In other news, I'm currently selling my [url=https://www.instagram.com/davidoreilly/]Instagram account [/url]for $5,000,000, in case you know someone. Mountain itself is still $0.99. Wishing you great things, my friends. I'm grateful we're still here. ːmountainː David