[11/26/19] November Patch Notes
Author: BadDudeWill,
published 5 years ago,
Hello all,
Here are the PC Patch notes for today's patch!
[i][b]Known Issue[/b][/i]
• The Manifest Fury augments series may cause a crash when used with Sindel’s attacks and we’re looking into a resolution for this issue.
[i][b]General Gameplay Adjustments[/b][/i]
• Move list corrections & added more move property tags
• Improvements to AI logic
• Reworked the Store to display more items at once and added bundles as a possible item type
• Added several new Brutalities for players to discover
• Added new End of Round Taunts for players to unlock
• Fixed issues where several modifier attacks could sometimes use the wrong facing direction while both characters are canned animation sequence
• Fixed a rare issue with Frame Data Tutorial that could cause successful hits to not count toward the progress
• Fixed an issue that could cause the round winner announcement to be delayed when not in the last round
• Fixed an issue that could cause final hit with certain Background Interactions to prevent the Flawless Victory announcement from occurring
• Fixed a rare practice mode issue that could cause the player to become unresponsive when repeatedly toggling the AI Playback Reset ON & OFF
• Fixed a rare issue that could cause projectile Krushing Blows to become disabled in some situations when it has not been used yet
• Fixed a rare issue that could cause a tie breaker to occur in trade situations on certain command grabs and synchronized attacks. These attacks will now properly trade
• Resurrections will no longer allow the opponent to move while the resurrection is still in progress if it happens at the same time as a Fatal Blow connects
• Fixed a rare audio issue that could cause some projectiles to not play audio when blocked or play a sound at the wrong location when hitting the opponent
• Characters will no longer sometimes face the wrong direction when blocking certain attacks
• The last hit red impact effects will no longer appear when the opponent is hit while in dizzy state after being defeated by a Fatal Blow
• Updated Johnny Cage Announcer voice to reference some unused nicknames
• Added support for more special event chests
• Skeleton Keys can now sometimes be traded to the Kollector for Tower Summoning Stones
[i][b]Towers of Time[/b][/i]
• Added new secret events to Towers of Time
• The Ko-Op Tower Platform will now have all multiplayer towers available at once (Group Battles, Tag Battles and Team Raid)
• Added New Character Reward Bundles for first time completion of Ko-Op Towers
• Added new Boss Fight Towers and Premier Tag Towers
• Players can now play KO-Op tag battles solo and select two characters to tag in & out
• Added a new first time Kompletion Reward for completing a Boss Tower on Brutal difficulty that can contain an Augment or a Brutality for the character they are playing as
[i][b]Stage Specific Adjustments[/b][/i]
• Throw Background Interactions can no longer be projectile parried, destroyed or reflected. They can still be affected by projectile immunity
[i][b]Character Specific Adjustments[/b][/i]
[i]Cassie Cage[/i]
• Cassie Cage - (Air) Bullet Barrage Amplify will no longer sometimes auto face the opponent
• Cassie Cage - Fixed a rare issue that could cause BLB-118 Drone to become unresponsive if interrupted during BLB-118 Energy Bounce or BLB-118 Escape
• Cassie Cage - BLB-118 Escape and BLB-118 Advance are now properly disabled when afflicted by Terminator's Incapacitator
• Cassie Cage - Control BLB-118 & Cancel BLB-118 are now properly disabled when afflicted by Terminator's Incapacitator
• Cassie Cage - Shoulder Charge Amplify Krushing Blow will no longer sometimes clip through objects in the corner of some stages
• Cassie Cage - Fixed an animation issue with Pistols when the match was ended with Flippin' Out ability
• Cetrion - Conflux of Elements and Elemental Ring specials are now properly disabled when afflicted by Terminator's Incapacitator
• Cetrion - Attacks that overlap with Cetrion while she is invisible during Unlimited Potential (Towards+Back Punch, Front Kick, Back Kick) will no longer have their active frames cancelled
• Cetrion - Geyser Krushing Blow will no longer sometimes clip through objects in the corner of some stages
• D'Vorah - Fixed an animation issue when final hit of the match is performed with Infested
[i]Erron Black[/i]
• Erron Black - Adjusted Erron Black's proximity repel regions when performing Shoulder Shimmy (Towards+Back Punch) and Rising Outlaw (Down+Back Punch)
• Erron Black - Fatal Blow can no longer hit opponents behind him unless they are in a combo
• Erron Black - Fixed a rare audio issue with Forward Throw causing lingering sound effects when done during high latency online matches
• Frost - Adjust the hit region on Avalanche (Away+Front Kick, Back Punch)
• Frost - Fatal Blow can no longer hit opponents behind her unless they are in a combo
• Frost - Fixed an issue with Ice Auger Krushing Blow reaction that was not allowing the opponent to Breakaway
• Frost - Fixed a rare issue that could cause Ice Auger projectile to travel further then intended when it is interrupted
• Frost - Fixed a visual issue that would cause Ice Auger and Ice Auger Amplified to not disappear when hitting an opponent at maximum range
• Frost - Polar Pound’s (Away+Back Kick) visual effects will no longer sometimes linger when interrupted with specific timing
• Frost - Fixed an issue causing Fatal Blow armor to linger when blocked for a few frames which could allow it to absorb a Flawless Block Attack. Fatal Blow armor is now correctly removed when blocked
• Geras - Reverse Time can no longer be performed during an opponent's resurrection
• Geras - Xuid & Guid (Towards+Front Punch, Front Punch + Front Kick, Back Kick) and Gauntlet Of The Ages Cancel are no longer disabled when afflicted by Terminator's Incapacitator
[i]Jacqui Briggs[/i]
• Jacqui Briggs - Lethal Clinch Double Spear Knee and Cybernetic Override Cancels are no longer disabled when afflicted by Terminator's Incapacitator
• Jade - Divine Forced Amplified will no longer sometimes be missing visual effects when it hits the opponent
• Jade - Fixed an improper animation sometimes being played on Staff if a modifier is used at the same time as an attack using the Staff
• Jax - Quad Grab’s Power Bomb and Duck and Weave’s Cancel Duck & Weave are no longer disabled when afflicted by Terminator's Incapacitator
• Kabal - Fixed an issue causing Fatal Blow armor to sometimes linger when blocked for a few frames which could allow it to absorb a Flawless Block Attack. Fatal Blow armor is now correctly removed when blocked
• Kano - Blown Away (Towards+Back Punch, Up, Down, Back Kick) is no longer disabled when afflicted by Terminator's Incapacitator
• Kitana - Fixed an audio issue with the Follow The Leader (Towards+Back Punch, Front Kick, Back Kick) Krushing Blow
• Kollector - Damned Bola Cancel is no longer disabled when afflicted by Terminator's Incapacitator
• Kollector - Fixed a visual issue with War-Quoit Toss when colliding with certain objects
• Kollector - Fixed an issue causing Fatal Blow armor to sometimes linger when blocked for a few frames which could allow it to absorb a Flawless Block Attack. Fatal Blow armor is now correctly removed when blocked
• Kollector - Fixed a rare issue that could occur if the Kukri or Chakram during Take And Deny (Towards+Front Kick, Front Punch, Back Punch, Front Kick) made contact with the opponent on a frame where a rollback occurred during on online match
[i]Kotal Kahn[/i]
• Kotal Kahn - Yeyecame Disk Amplify Krushing Blow can now also be performed with Krushing Blow Held Check set to ON by holding the Amplify button
• Kotal Kahn - Fixed an issue causing Fatal Blow armor to sometimes linger when blocked for a few frames which could allow it to absorb a Flawless Block Attack. Fatal Blow armor is now correctly removed when blocked
[i]Kung Lao[/i]
• Kung Lao - Hat Toss, Guided Hat, and Possessed Hat now starts up 1 frame faster and had its hit region adjusted on the first active frame
• Kung Lao - (Air) Vortex can now be performed as a 2in1 cancelled from a Jump Attack
• Kung Lao - Fixed an issue causing Fatal Blow armor to sometimes linger when blocked for a few frames which could allow it to absorb a Flawless Block Attack. Fatal Blow armor is now correctly removed when blocked
[i]Liu Kang[/i]
• Liu Kang - Adjusted Liu Kangs's proximity repel regions when ducking
• Liu Kang - Adjusted the hit region on first hit of Nunchaku Stance’s Nunchaku Flurry
• Liu Kang - Lotus Strikes (Towards+Back Kick) is now correctly being counted for the Krushing Blow condition on Nunchaku Stance’s Nunchaku Flurry
• Liu Kang - Fixed an audio issue with Flying Dragon Kick Amplify while Dragon Fire is active
• Noob - Fade To Black (Towards+Back Punch, Back Punch) had its hit region adjusted
• Noob - Adjusted opponent's victim region when hit by Turning Chop (Towards+Back Punch) and Fade To Black (Towards+Back Punch, Back Punch)
• Noob - For The Brotherhood (Back+Front Punch, Front Punch + Front Kick, Back Punch) is no longer disabled when afflicted by Terminator's Incapacitator
• Raiden - Lightning Strike now has 4 more frames of hit advantage, 5 more frames of blockstun, and recovers 2 frames faster
• Raiden - Lightning Strike Amplify now has 4 more frames of hit advantage
• Raiden - Fixed an issue causing Lightning Strike Amplify to not be possible if the Lightning Strike hit on the last active frame
• Raiden - Lightning Strike Amplify can now be performed when Lightning Strike misses or is blocked but the follow up Lightning will only track the opponent when Lightning Strike hits
• Raiden - Lightning Rod is now +8 on hit (up from -3)
• Raiden - If the attack from Lightning Strike bounces off Lightning Rod and hits the opponent, Raiden is now +4 to +5 on hit (up from -4 to -13) depending on spacing & active frames
• Scorpion - (Air) Hell Port Cancel is no longer possible when afflicted by Terminator's Incapacitator
• Skarlet - Blood Ritual self-damage no longer factors in the opponent's buffs & debuffs. The damage to Skarlet & the opponent is now always based on Skarlet’s buffs & debuffs
• Skarlet – Fixed an issue with Fatal Blow animation sometimes clipping in through objects in Sea of Blood stage
• Sonya - Fixed a visual issue with Low Kounter Krushing Blow animation when performed on female characters
• Sonya - K.A.T. turret will no longer sometimes fire in the wrong direction after switching sides with the opponent
• Sonya - Fixed issue that could cause K.A.T. to jump toward the background when performing K.A.T. Tantrum
• Sonya - Fixed K.A.T. turret being able to stay out indefinitely while certain K.A.T. moves are repeatedly used
• Sub-Zero - Fixed a rare visual issue with (Air) Ice Axe when performed repeatedly during gameplay
[i]Shang Tsung[/i]
• Shang Tsung - Screaming Soul Cancel is no longer possible when afflicted by Terminator's Incapacitator
• Shang Tsung - Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented Fatalities from being possible if Shang Tsung was defeated while morphed
• Shang Tsung - Shang Tsung will no longer sometimes perform two End of Round Taunts if the round is ended while he is morphed
• Shang Tsung - After morphing into Terminator he can no longer sometimes keep Terminate’s armor active when morphing back into Shang Tsung with specific timing
• Shang Tsung - Fixed a rare issue that could cause Shang Tsung to permanently suffer from Terminator’s Terminate debuff when morphed he if uses it at a certain timing
• Shang Tsung - Fixed a visual issue with weapons playing an incorrect animation when Shang Tsung morphs back into his original form
• Shang Tsung - Fixed an issue that could cause practice mode Easy Krushing Blows to not reset properly when morphed
• Nightwolf - Helmsplitter Krushing Blow will no longer clip through objects in the corner of some stages
• Terminator - Slightly increased combo damage scaling on Infiltrator Toss Amplify and Albi Back Breaker Amplify Krushing Blow
• Terminator - Fixed an issue that could cause Incapacitator debuff to last for an incorrect duration if used immediately after a Krushing Blow or Fatal Blow
• Terminator - Fixed an issue that could cause Terminate buff and visuals to linger after he becomes Endoskeleton
• Terminator - Fixed an issue with Sawed Off damage sometimes being incorrect when reflected
• Terminator - Terminate is now removed when an attack from Terminator is parried
• Terminator - Slightly increased Terminator’s victim regions when Running Man is active
• Terminator - When Terminator is hit while exiting from Running Man it is now considered a punish instead of a Kounter
• Terminator - The wrong skeleton is no longer sometimes shown when hit by electrocution attacks
• Terminator - Running Man Cancel is no longer possible when afflicted by Terminator's Incapacitator
• Terminator - Fixed an issue causing Killing Machine projectile immunity to not work properly with some Background Interactions
• Terminator - Fixed a visual issue with Terminator's grenades at match start when he is used as second player during a Tag Battle
• Terminator - Incapacitator damage is now correctly considered a special move
• Terminator - Infiltrator Toss Amplify can now only be performed a maximum of two times in a combo
• Terminator - Fixed a rare camera issue when resetting practice mode shortly after hitting with Running Man Amplify