Weekly Patch 1
Author: MrCheatCode,
published 5 months ago,
Added numerous new features and updates.
Please report any bugs encountered to our Discord channel.
Fixed issues with Chinese and Japanese text.
Corrected card draw translations.
Addressed various other card translation issues.
Improved animations for both Polarix and Echo.
Tarot cards can now be discarded during the reward selection scene.
Fixed a profile-related bug.
Enabled the tutorial by default, which must be completed once per profile.
Implemented balance changes for Act 1 and Act 2.
Anticipate Cosmic Mode to be ready within a week.
Zodiac signs now display potential buffs before selection.
Made several translation improvements.
Event cards are now optional.
Enhanced shop item selection process.
Enabled right-click to show the upgraded version of a card.
Card types are now displayed when hovered over (e.g., Light Reap, Dark Reap, Strike, etc.).
Added new tarot cards.
Reduced the damage increase of Lightbind Reap (Echo) to 1 and fixed its upgraded version.
Fixed a bug where the target line icon remained on screen.
Randomized combat nodes.
Fixed a bug that incorrectly recognized agility as a negative effect.
Corrected the damage bug of Radiance Reaver (Echo).
Added special effects to Radiance Reaver.