We see you all enjoying Monster Train and climbing the covenant levels. While you all have been playing an insane number of runs, we also have been quite busy. We have patched the game to fix some bugs and did some small balance tweaks to improve the game (check our [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/1102190/announcements/detail/2372781945487490366]patchnotes [/url]for details). As we will keep supporting the game, we also are preparing for releasing new content. In the background we are preparing for our[b] first free content update for Monster Train[/b]. We got a long list of cool features and ideas for new content to extend your Monster Train runs in single and multiplayer. Painfully we have to make choices as we cannot do everything right away. For the first update we are discussing new surprising mutators and more ways to extend your endgame experience. More news on the free content next week! Mark from Shiny Shoe already showed some in the weekly dev stream if you like to have a sneak-peak. Check it out, as Mark also answers a relentless flow of community questions about new content and our plans for future content and features. Check it out [url=https://www.twitch.tv/videos/654573659]here[/url]. Our [url=discord.gg/monstertrain ]Discord [/url]servers were on fire when we asked you the community for input for new mutators. So many reactions and suggestions, just amazing. The winners are seriously considered to be included in the upcoming free content update! Next week we will share more about the new free content update!