The public test for official mod support is here! We're looking for feedback on mods and on the other changes listed below. You are welcome to join us for feedback and discussion on the [url=]official Monster Train Discord server[/url] in the #public-test-train channel. How to join: [olist] [*] Make sure Monster Train is not running [*] Right click on the game in your Steam Library [*] Click "properties" [*] Click the "BETAS" tab [*] In the dropdown menu, choose "public-test-server" [*] Press close and wait for the game to update [/olist] Major new features: [olist] [*] MODS - added official mod support. Enable mods on the main menu and then check out the Steam Workshop. [*] HALLOWEEN - for a limited time you'll see some holiday themed graphics in the game. Also, Bone Dog is now in his own Concealed Caverns event and is much more common for the duration of the Halloween celebrations. [*] SETTINGS - added a new color blind accessibility option. It changes the color of some floating text, status effect icons, and tooltips. There is a preset for red/green color blind. You can also set the option to "custom" and then change the colors to whatever you want in the game preferences file. [/olist] Other changes: [olist] [*] GAMEPLAY - moved Bone Dog to his own event and removed him from the potions event. Made Bone Dog slightly more common. [*] GAMEPLAY - changed Razorsharp edge yet again to try to prevent confusion. Went back to "-2 " but now it also always lowers current health in addition to max health. Hopefully this will be the end of the confusion. [*] GAMEPLAY - Emberstone can now be applied to X cost cards. [*] GAMEPLAY - using a reform card when there is only one possible target in your Consume pile will skip the deck screen and immediately reform that unit. [*] GAMEPLAY - increased Gorge stat gain for Penumbra's Glutton path. [*] GAMEPLAY - increased stats of Solgard's Titanchannel path at level 1. Decreased shard requirement at level 2. [*] GAMEPLAY - Hallowed Drippings Burnout increased from 3 -> 5. [*] GAMEPLAY - Purifying Cleanse healing increased 10 -> 20. [*] GAMEPLAY - Wicklash attack buff increased 5 -> 10. [*] GAMEPLAY - Perils of Production Rage increased 2 -> 3. [*] GAMEPLAY - Railbeater Armor bonus increased 25 -> 30. [*] GAMEPLAY - Molluscmage stats changed to 5/3 with +8 Magic Power. [*] GAMEPLAY - Cuttlehex stats changed to 5/3. [*] GAMEPLAY - Preserved Thorns Ember cost increased 0 -> 1. [*] ENGINE - various changes that improve load time and reduce peak memory consumption. [*] TEXT - removed erroneous Enhance tooltip from Bone Rattler. [*] TEXT - clarify that Endless works on Eaten units too. [/olist]