Happy Weekend All, Here's a short message to say that we’re hard at work on the free Friends and Foes Update coming soon. We’ve been teasing some of it on our regular Thursday livestreams here on Steam and [url=https://www.twitch.tv/goodshepherdentertainmen]Twitch[/url] . If you’ve been missing out, here’s a preview of the new Hellhorned Exiled Champion, the Shardtail Queen. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36701975/49278b89ac078a749d64d3eb3a846efde06abaa8.png[/img] Each new clan Champion comes with new and different mechanics plus starter cards. They are selectable at the run start OR you can use an original Champion and choose Exalted mode for your allied clan to shake things up. Of course, with balance being our goal, your favorites are still excellent choices and the Friends and Foes will fit like a conductor's glove. Need to know more and see all the Champions? Please visit [url=https://twitter.com/TheMonsterTrain]Twitter[/url] to see the Umbra and Melting Remnant Exiled Champions as well as more Foe variants in the new Update. Check out the livestream [url=https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOvUdrXsVWM5gRxh9vgAMnuuMoG5_bL5y]Playlist here.[/url] We leave you with Talos, the boss variant for Ring 3 and a contest for Shark Week. Please share your favorite Stygian deck in a comment on this update before August 17th for a chance to win the Monster Train OST. Bonus points for sharks. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36701975/a5e6db583d57e1cb311a03682092ae1ad9d56788.png[/img]