[h1]New Features[/h1] [olist] [*] Full gamepad/controller and keyboard support. Hate the mouse? Now you can play the whole game without it. [*] Large UI scale option. If you play on TV or just want cards and the UI to be bigger in general, now you can scale it up via the "accessibility" area of the settings menu. Works well in combination with Steam Big Picture and a controller. [*] New gameplay keyword: Cultivate. It's an Awoken clan keyword that increases the attack and health of the unit with the lowest health in the room. [/olist] [h1]Controller Status[/h1] On Steam the development team has tested and verified the following controllers work with the game: [olist] [*] Xbox One [*] Xbox 360 [*] PS4 [*] Switch Pro [*] Stadia [/olist] It is likely other controllers will work as well but we haven't specifically verified them. [h1]Three Important Notes[/h1] [olist] [*] Keyboard: if you previously changed your key bindings you're going to want to review the bindings again and update them. We changed a lot about how keyboard works. [*] Controller caveat: regardless of controller type used, all in-game button hint icons are currently Xbox controller icons. [*] Controller caveat: right now we don't support rebinding controller buttons within the game. [/olist] [h1]Gameplay Changes[/h1] What would a major update be without some balance changes? [olist] [*] GAMEPLAY - Cultivating Sentient's card draw moved from a Revenge trigger to a "cards drawn" modifier that scales with champion level. [*] GAMEPLAY - Cultivating Sentient gained Cultivate as a Revenge trigger that increases the stats of the lowest-health friendly unit and scales with champion level. [*] GAMEPLAY - Cultivating Sentient health scaling at levels 2 and 3 reduced (100 -> 80 at level 2 and 200 -> 160 at level 3) now that levels 2 and 3 have ability increases, not just health increases. [*] GAMEPLAY – Awoken Hollow Rejuvenate trigger changed from targeting self only to using Cultivate keyword. [*] GAMEPLAY - Awoken Merchant of Steel upgrade changed from Spikes 4 -> 10 Health and Spikes 3. [*] GAMEPLAY - Permafrost trait added to Ice Tornado. [*] GAMEPLAY – Fire Light Little Fade III attack bonus decreased 30 -> 25. [*] GAMEPLAY – Excavation Eruption Cost decreased 4 -> 3 and number of strikes decreased 4 -> 3. [*] GAMEPLAY – Paraffin Thug health increased from 3 -> 10. [*] GAMEPLAY – The Abandoned Train event can now also give out Imp-in-a-Box or Ember Cache. [*] GAMEPLAY – Penitent Remains attack bonus increased 1 -> 2. [*] GAMEPLAY – Ember Stasis damage increased 100 -> 120. [*] GAMEPLAY – Weathered Coldstones now triggers with each blight played (formerly once per turn). [*] GAMEPLAY - Boneshine changed from 2x Pyre heal with Consume to 5x Pyre heal with Purge. [*] GAMEPLAY - Bone Rattler changed from 3x Pyre attack to 5x Pyre attack. [*] GAMEPLAY – The Revenge Attack Buff option of the Abandoned Winged event additionally grants 20 health upon return or 30 health after waiting. [*] GAMEPLAY – The Extinguish Damage option of the Abandoned Winged event grants 40 damage (up from 20) or 60 damage (up from 50) plus Quick after waiting. [*] TEXT – Crushing Demise sentence order and trigger order reversed to reduce player confusion. [*] TEXT – Titan’s Claws artifact verbiage now specifies duration. [*] BUG FIX - addressed an issue where Molded would not automatically Reform a unit if there was only one unit available and there was a Consumed spell in the Consume pile. [/olist]