Announcing!!! Wild Mutations available July 16th!
Author: supergiel,
published 4 years ago,
Clear your schedule for the 16th, the free Wild Mutations DLC is coming to Monster Train bringing new mutators, advanced challenges for players who have completed Covenant 25, the ability to add mutators to single player runs, balance updates, and more!
Just reaching the depths of hell is no longer enough, prepare to defend your skills for the best score on the leaderboards. Fueled by your input and feedback as a community, this content update will enrich your previous game experience with new strange and brag-worthy runs.
Some mutators will turn your knowledge of the existing mechanics upside down, others will make visual changes to the characters that will bring a warm smile on your face.
Just 2 more weeks until we release the new free content in Monster Train. Get your friends onboard with the 10% Summer Sale discount, ending soon.
We’re celebrating with gameplay livestreams on Twitch and Steam by your favorite streamers DivideAConquer, Wanderbot and Rhapsody all day long today. We begin with a special art stream with the Shiny Shoe team talking about your favorite Imps, their creative process and more at 11AM PT/ 2PM EDT/ 8PM CEST [url=]HERE[/url].