Minipatch #1 - Covfefe Jar
published 7 months ago,
First patch is here! Thank you all for your precious feedback and especially to Moojuiceman for the help with the achievement issue.
I fixed all that was fast and safe to fix, will get back to work asap to fix the rest!
[*]Fixed softlock at the final boss, being stuck behind the crystal barrier. It will now re-open if needed.
[*]Fixed Arena achievement being awarded one arena too soon.
[*]Fixed an issue where you could finish the game in Advanced without getting the achievement. Unfortunately this in not retroactive as I have no way to know who picked what difficulty due to the bug itself. I apologize for your lost efforts. If you still care to get the achievement, I’d suggest waiting for a future content update, and redo the game in Advanced on such occasion. Really sorry about this annoying issue :'(
[*]Removed confusing map icon/ping and fixed a cave position
[*]Fixed some typoes
[*]Lowered Teleport module price
[*]Removed a softlocking gap in dungeon 1
[*]Removed the annoying crackling looping sound
[*]Added the covfefe jar