Greetings, We want to give you an update on how things are going. We are currently trying to fix one of the last bugs that are evading us (one specific crash when quitting the game) which is pretty annoying. It is nothing that would break the game, but we want to present you with a clean and smooth game experience even during the launch. We have been teasing the release in previous posts quite a bit and to be completely transparent, some hiccups happened. We could push through them and probably release the game with them, but it is not an approach we want to take. As a "compensation" for a bit delayed release. We will showcase the main menu UI that is currently in our game. Bear in mind we will be taking feedback and if some upgrades will be suggested, we will gladly incorporate them in further updates. If everything goes right, the next news will contain the release date and roadmap for you to look at so be sure to wishlist and follow the game on Steam or follow us on social media so you don't miss this information! Team HasterHam games [img][/img]