1. Modified the penalty conditions when clicking mines, making the game playable even when the density of mines is high: Smart Solve AI will now calculate when the board changes. If the situation is judged to be unsolvable, no penalty will be given even if the mine is opened. 2. Fixed a bug of Smart Solve: Due to the excessive deduction of the board, Smart Solve will calculate even if the highest row is not opened, so gird can still be calculated and opened in some situations that the board cannot be deduced lattice. 3. Modified the number display: Now when the number display mode is turned on, the upper right corner of the board will display the deducible grid number with blue color instead of the level. 4. Changed the display of the cheat mode: now the cheat mode will display a square as a hint on the grid that can be opened or marked. 5. Modified the sound in cheat mode: Now when using Smart Solve to open or mark a square in cheat mode, the sound of the operation will not be played. 6. Optimized the window display: Reduced the repeated drawing of the window screen in certain cases (for example, when clicking the mouse and switching the help menu).