Regarding Miko in Maguma, we have updated the following points. 2024/04/27 2:45 -Fixed a bug where the window size was too large (The initial window size is now set to 1280 x 720.) - Added window size change function (Added the ability to change the window size using the Settings button → Screen.) ・Fixed full screen switching button (Full screen switching has been changed from button format to check box format.) -Added game end (app close button) to title These are the points that have been corrected. Regarding the window size correction, there was an issue where the game could not be played due to the window size before the correction. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for reporting this matter through your inquiries and posts regarding the above. Thanks to your report, we were able to make a faster fix. Since it reflects the updated data, I think updates will start sequentially. If the update does not start, please check the documentation below. Thank you for your continued support.