[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38414035/a415f094e91f27fc78fff7949e28e677605fc8b6.jpg[/img] Earlier this week, we announced that applications to join the World Hub closed alpha test are now open! For those unaware, the World Hub is an upcoming tool which will allow any [u]Microsoft Flight Simulator [/u]player (i.e. YOU!) to submit corrections and updates to any default airport so that they better match their real-world counterparts. If you would like to help test the World Hub as we get it ready for its full release, you can find instructions on how to apply to the closed alpha [url=https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/world-hub-closed-alpha-sign-up-now-open/625278]on our forums here[/url]. We're also pleased to announce that our next Developer Livestream is coming up later this month on [b]Wednesday, January 31 at 10:30am PT (18030 UTC)[/b]. As always, you can tune in to [url=https://twitch.tv/msfsofficial]our official Twitch channel[/url] to watch our regular panel of Jorg, Seb, and Martial plus special guests answer questions from the community and discuss the future of [u]Microsoft Flight Simulator[/u]. If you would like to pre-submit a question to the panel, you can do so [url=https://forms.microsoft.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=v4j5cvGGr0GRqy180BHbR1r3nNQ_40JBjVeCHjmDms9UMFdKSEhBUkk3RUtSNUdPTUZQWTVBUzI4Ni4u]using this web form[/url]. [i]– MSFS Team[/i] [url=https://www.flightsimulator.com/january-11th-2024-development-update/ style=button]Click here to continue reading the Development Update![/url]