[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38414035/279305ab95fb68653de33aced288753b7d17471c.jpg[/img] Public testing of [b]Aircraft & Avionics Update 02 [/b](AAU_02) remains ongoing. Earlier this week, we released a new beta build ( to testers. This build includes several dozen bug fixes and feature improvements. The full release notes can be found [url=https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/aircraft-avionics-update-2-beta-release-notes-1-33-6-0/593851]on our forum here[/url]. June is Pride Month, and Xbox Game Studios Publishing is excited to announce a new long-term partnership with [url=https://www.glaad.org/]GLAAD[/url]. The primary goal of this initiative is to help our partner studios create games that can offer much-needed visibility, understanding, and support for LGBTQIA+ people for years to come. Xbox Publishing will be collaborating with GLAAD and amplifying existing resources through workshops and consulting to bring genuine, heartfelt, and aspirational LGBTQIA+ representation to more of our future games. You can read more about this partnership and other ways that the Xbox family is celebrating Pride Month [url=https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2023/06/01/xbox-pride-month-2023-glaad/]on the Xbox website here[/url]. For [i]Microsoft Flight Simulator[/i] fans, you can find some player-created livery mods based on Pride liveries from real-world airlines linked later in this article. [i]- MSFS Team[/i] [url=https://www.flightsimulator.com/june-1st-2023-development-update/ style=button] Click here to continue reading the Development Update! [/url]