Each week we host an Official Fly-in alongside a group of community members (you!) on [url=https://www.twitch.tv/msfsofficial]our official Twitch channel, Twitch.tv/msfsofficial[/url]. This is an open event, free to all who would like to fly along with us and available to pilots of all skill levels. The goal is to have a great time, explore new locations of the world, and make new friends. This event is open to pilots on both the PC and Xbox platforms. Our flight this week will see the group depart from EGVN, fly over this museum, then turn northward and make our way to Aberdeen, Scotland. Along the way, we will complete a few touch & go landings and pass many handcrafted POIs from World Update III: UK & Ireland. Additionally, Just Flight has generously donated one (1) 146 Professional to give away as a prize to a community member during this flight! The winner will be selected randomly, and you must be present at the time of the drawing to win. [url=https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/official-community-fly-in-friday-uk-tour-with-just-flight-146-professional-giveaway/515287 style=button]For more information and the flight plan, see our forum post here![/url]