Demo Patch Note #1
Author: Hoody,
published 2 weeks ago,
Hello, gamers!
First, we would like to thank everyone who has played the [b]Meow Mission[/b] demo build.
For those who haven't tried the demo yet, we hope this patch note will be a great opportunity to check it out!
[h3]Patch Note[/h3]
[b]New Features[/b]
[*][b]Controller Support[/b]: Xbox and PlayStation controllers are now supported.
[*][b]Windowed/Full-Screen Toggle[/b] feature has been added.
[*][b]Demo Missions Added[/b][/olist] [list]
[*] Main Mission: Playable up to Mission 33
[*] Bonus Mission: Playable up to Mission B4 [/list]
[list] [*] UI size adjustments for a more comfortable display
[*] Various bug fixes for enhanced stability [/list]
The [b]Meow Mission[/b] demo is free for anyone to download!
Check out the new features and missions in the demo, and if you enjoyed it, please support us by adding it to your [b]wishlist[/b]!
Happy gaming! 😊