Hello everyone! I have been hard at work all day and here is the latest Bug fixes and changes: [list] [*] -Removed wall friction entirely - this makes jumping so much easier [*] -Added jump assist, helping you jump on top of things easier [*] -Rearranged some of the harder platforming in the tutorial section for easier platforming difficulty at the beginning. Some players have struggled unnecessarily there. [*] -Fixed a bug where the Shatter Strike ability would sometimes be disabled when Fast Traveling [*] -Removed the Quit to Menu button on the death screen [*] -Added Zone names in the World Map [*] -Fixed a bug where some boss music would not loop properly [*] -Fixed a bug where one of the Battle Brothers would not attack you in the final phase of the fight [*] -Fixed a bug where Koz’el could be killed without triggering the fight by standing in a specific spot. [*] -Fixed a bug where sometimes you could fall through the world caused by a syntax error causing the game to load to the incorrect location of one of the doors [*] -Increases in size and visual indicators of the stalactites and other debris falling from the top. [*] -Fixed a bug where the buckbean item which is for the health upgrade had a syntax error when you have a certain amount of the herb and it would lower your max health, without updating the HUD. This appeared to make enemies one-shotting you when in fact, the total health was not displayed correctly [*] -The bats now have a smaller, more accurate explosion radius- Fixed the city outskirts bug where you could get hardlocked out of the game [*] [/list] Falsely regarded as bugs or missing features: [list] [*] -Map markers are part of the world - they are an in-game item/s [*] -The blacksmith not upgrading your weapon - he asking you to find his wife first ( Mankrik's wife anyone? ) [*] -Unlimited FPS option - people assumed this would give a better experience on high end machines, when it fact it was aimed for low-end machines that cannot run the game properly at 30fps. Because the hand-drawn animations of characters and Marko himself are with a locked frame rate this would make some things, like the hitstop duration ((when you hit things or when you are being hit) ) visibly longer due to this fact, falsely appearing as lag, when it fact, it isn't. The game animations of the characters are with a set frame rate and the best experienced is at 60fps. [/list] Things to address in the patch later today: [list] [*] -Adding additional save slots [*] -Fog of War and Zoom for the quick map [*] -Reworking the hitboxes in a way to make them more accurate and tracing them along the actual animation sprites in order to make them as pixel-perfect as possible. [*] -Turning on the Steam achievements - They are retroactive so whatever you already have in the save file will be taken into account the text time you load the game. [*] -We finally have quality translations for the rest of the languages available and will be adding them to the game as well [*] -Improved visuals for the healing mechanics - a visual indication that you are holding the courage button before the healing effect occurs [*] -Adding more indications to the menus - the top tab and the options menu [*] -Removing the unlimited FPS option for now for the time being. [*] -Bats can now cause damage to each other when exploding, triggering a chain reaction. [/list] Stay brave and thank you for your patience!