[img]https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/36235847/ca8609a55e9108e60cd4870def274428e616916d.jpg[/img] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1074770/The_Rescue_of_Mermaids/ Hello all, we have been working hard and have polished up the game for the past few months! Our goal with being part of Shady Corner's branding has been to bring the game up to a standard we can all be happy with. We have addressed all of your concerns, fixed a load of bugs and polished it as well as added some new content. Our goal now is to give you a fresh new experience with no frustrations and a new outlook on Rescue of Mermaids. If you have at any point played the game and were not sure about the review you have given PLEASE take the time to try the game now. Give your feedback. We want to earn these positive reviews in the face of the fans who want to see the game do better. The more positive feedback the better the game will do down the line! As always thank you for supporting me in my work and we are looking forward to the next big build. Thank you to Shady Corner, and to you the fans! ~Gilly