This is a Hotfix Update Patch for Build Update 4 there was some issues that went past my head that i couldn't test by myself so thanks to my Game Testers in [url=]Discord.[/url] i have solved and updated the game to feel much smoother just by a few tweaks. - Ai Nerf - Bridge out of map fixed - new sound for smgs - New sound for M4 - new sound for sniper slightly updated - Main Menu slightly Updated - i disabled a few maps due to it feeling it needs more work and polishing, the maps that were taken out were: Duplicated Bank map, The Battlefield, and RunDown. The main issue with these other maps is that we have insufficient amount of players to thoroughly test it and if we released or even continue at the pace on these maps no one will enjoy them. Give me feedback on the current maps let me know what you think in the comments below. Sign up for the beta Free here: View our DIscord here: