[h1]GAMEPLAY[/h1] Lowered squirrel mound spawn rates [h1]ENEMIES[/h1] Buffed the Racoon's roll: It’s faster, reaches farther, and does more damage. Crackhead Mickey panics when attacked if he’s above half health Meteor Tower Sorcerer Kitties have +50 health, and drop 1 less item [h1]WEAPONS[/h1] Slingshot berries now slow enemies, instead of stopping them entirely [h1]GRAPHICS[/h1] Crackhead Mickey has an animation when accepting an item Berry splats attached to players go away The Zappy Staff hit effect is now paper, not blood [h1]UI[/h1] There’s a notification when trying to give a bot a weapon they can’t use The tornado event no longer tells you to take cover [h1]FIXED BUGS[/h1] Fixed multiplayer magic shots doing double damage Fixed another game breaking multiplayer respawn bug Fixed placing phoenix ash given by quest reward