Hey y'all! We've been off radar for a while, and for a good reason! We showcased our game on DevGAMM Moscow 2019 last week, and the upcoming week will give us another great opportunity. Casual Connect London will also see Lost in Sky! So as you can imagine, the whole team has been fixing bugs, hunting glitches, polishing things, and improving the demo version. Here's the list of major fixes and improvements: [list] [*] Suicidal enemies now blow up if hit by an arrow [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34001913/30128499cef4f2ea2af3bdec1d505ea189a4b7d0.gif[/img] [*] We improved the looks of the Sewers [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34001913/4334b920120c8ba0c1e668de139994724a1405a4.png[/img] [*] Double-checked if avatars grab and hold as intended; [*] Fixed the situation when characters failed to detect a cage platform; [*] Improved the AI bot's movements (previously it ended up falling off platforms instead of landing on a higher one; it also fell off the moving platforms while following the player); [*] Fixed the controls in accordance with your feedback to the demo version. [/list] Today we're working on the feedback we received during DevGAMM in Moscow. We're also putting your previous vision to good use! New updates are coming very soon!