[img]https://images.ctfassets.net/umhrp0op95v1/7FeQhfbOqI0KgzQNVKlXXi/c1855dde09a374ee4156dbecc18ff9bd/EN_LA_Akkan_Express__AUG__YT_Thumbnail_CT-001905.jpg[/img] Heroes of Arkesia, The August Update arrives in Arkesia tomorrow. Downtime will begin on August 16 at 1AM PDT (8 AM UTC) and is expected to last 15 hours. With a new class, Legion Raid, Guardian Raid, progression events and updates, a balance rework and so much more, the August ‘Wield the Storm’ Update is packed with content. With so many changes being added all at once, we included a video of Henry “HardcoreHenry” Stelter covering the highlights! [previewyoutube=I3Kl08ZeXX4;full][/previewyoutube] Let us know on YouTube if you enjoy this type of content from our team and would like to see more heading forward. Want all the details? Find the full list of content, events, skins, and other updates below! [h2]SPOTLIGHT[/h2] [h3]AKKAN LEGION RAID[/h3] [img]https://images.ctfassets.net/umhrp0op95v1/1ad7w2q7qIqylIH74MWPF5/3cc73e3572c435fd2022190693a57359/LA_Aug_Press_Screenshots_Legion_Commander_Akkan_001_1080__1_.jpeg[/img] After the battle with Plague Legion Commander Akkan in South Vern, Queen Ealyn kept some of Akkan's flesh to research the Legion Commander. However, some of the pieces have disappeared, and have begun to gather in Arthetine. Could it be that Akkan, the bringer of death, has concocted a terrible scheme to bring back his terrifying power? Aetanople is slowly being submerged by water permeated with the power of disease, and the souls of the deceased still wander the living world, shackled by Akkan's spells. Akkan needs to be stopped before all of Arkesia succumbs to his horrid rot and decay. Journey to Arthetine to battle the Plague Legion Commander in a new 8-player Legion Raid. The normal and hard versions of the Legion Raid will release, each with their own Item Level requirements. [list] [*] Normal: All 3 gates can be entered with Item Level 1580 [*] Hard: All 3 gates can be entered with Item Level 1600 [/list] 'Corrupt Lord's Pandemonium Epidemic' is an easier mode that allows players to practice the Akkan Legion Raid at an easier difficulty. Players with Item Level 1500+ can enter 'Corrupt Lord's Pandemonium Epidemic'. Players can also earn Mark of the Plague in Epidemic, which can be exchanged for a variety of progression materials. [h3]AEROMANCER ADVANCED CLASS[/h3] [img]https://images.ctfassets.net/umhrp0op95v1/1LQwm3BmmWEpnB6yDnweTy/e2ae251003a5b0f6b84fd4c02a492d20/LA_Aug_Press_Screenshots_Aeromancer_006_1080.jpeg[/img] The Aeromancer is the second Specialist Advanced Class. With power of mystical illusion she’s able to manipulate the weather to devastating effect on the battlefield, or fight to vanquish enemies with spectacular flourishes of her umbrella. The Aeromancer’s Identity is Sun Shower. The Sun Shower Raindrop Meter is filled as the Aeromancer successfully hits enemies with skills, and Sun Shower can be used when the meter fills all the way up— providing dual benefits of offense and defense. Upon using Sun Shower, the Aeromancer’s basic attacks and movement skill evolve while active, nearby enemies are constantly damaged, and her (and her party's) damage received from enemies is reduced. Learn more about the Aeromancer’s skills and Engravings in the [url=https://preview.playlostark.com/en-us/news/articles/lost-ark-academy-aeromancer]Aeromancer Lost Ark Academy[/url]. [h3]SONAVEL GUARDIAN RAID[/h3] [img]https://images.ctfassets.net/umhrp0op95v1/4W8GVDnhGCKxrKKtpA30j4/5161f62e1feec3def81de8b9dfc51128/LA_Aug_Press_Screenshots_Sonavel_Guardian_Raid_002_1080.jpeg[/img] For a long time Levanos, the Elemental King, protected Arkesia by following light and order. He’s abandoned his mission of protecting nature, chosen chaos, and has turned into Sonavel, obsessed with anger and chasing only darkness. Sonavel must be defeated before he destroys that which he once protected! Players can challenge Sonavel in a new Guardian Raid, which requires Item Level 1580 to participate. Players can earn honing materials, Ancient accessories, and a chance to earn a legendary 'Galewind' rune, which drops in the 'Purification Tier 1' Guardian Raids, and can only be collected once per roster. There's also a new card set effect 'Guardian's First Choice I' with the addition of a 'Sonavel card'. [h2]EVENTS[/h2] [h3]SUPER MOKOKO EXPRESS EVENT & SOUTH VERN POWERPASS[/h3] An Event South Vern Powerpass will release with the update for players to use until November 15, 2023. Pairing well with the South Vern Powerpass, players will be able to designate one character between Item Level 1415 and 1540 on their roster to participate in the Super Mokoko Express Event, where they’ll have discounted honing rates and earn honing materials to quickly level up to Item Level 1540 and beyond. There’s also new Combat Style Setting Support options for players to more easily set skills and Engravings through presets, and get item support for accessories and Ability Stones. The designated character will earn valuable rewards as they level up, including Silver, honing materials, high level Gems, Engravings, and more! The Super Mokoko Express Event also includes an Engraving Support system that lets players choose 5 engravings to be in effect at level 3 during the event. Here’s how to get started: [list] [*] After selecting a Super Mokoko Express character, the Engraving Support button will light up. [*] Click the Engraving Support button to open the Engraving Support page and select your 5 desired Engravings. [*] Press the Activate Engraving Support button to start using their effects. [*] The effects of Engraving Support will also be shown in your Character Profile. [/list] The Event will last until November 15, 2023. [h3]STORY EXPRESS[/h3] Added a new Story Express event. Any character that has not yet completed the ‘On the Border’ quest from Rethamis can become a designated Story Express character. Story missions will take the player from Item Level 1 to 1415. Select Story Express Character through the ‘Event Quest’ window and clear story missions for valuable progression materials. The event will last until November 15, 2023. [h3]MAHARAKA FESTIVAL - Tooki Bangbang[/h3] [img]https://images.ctfassets.net/umhrp0op95v1/cfTCAB9ipMCyinOxrEoPK/d79b7d333659e3d34140ef4a086ba971/LA_Aug-Release-Note-Images-Tooki-Bangbang_0001_1080.jpeg[/img] The summertime Maharaka Festival continues in August! Bask in the sun, participate in unique games, and earn valuable progression rewards. The August Update introduces a new festival activity: Tooki Bangbang. Collect water balloons to fill up the weapon gauge, and shoot the Overheated Tooki to get points! Unlike the previous Maharaka Festival, this one will be region-based. Excel in Maharaka Attractions, harvest Guardian Souls, and complete Chaos Dungeons for Event Tokens (Moko Kindergarten Exchange Token, Maharaka Leaf, and Splendid Maharaka Fruit) and then exchange your spoils for festive rewards like the Cherry Blossom Class Mokoko. [h3]DAILY PLAYTIME EVENT[/h3] Added a new event feature that rewards players based on daily accumulated playtime. To be eligible, a player will need to have a character Combat Level 50 or higher, and have Trusted Status. Rewards will be given at 15min / 45min / 60min / 75min / 90min of playtime, and include valuable items such as silver, honing materials, card packs, and more! [h3]Twinkle Twinkle Exchange Event (Golden Frog)[/h3] The “Twinkle Twinkle Exchange Shop” returns, an Event Gold Shop where players can exchange Gold for valuable rewards, such as honing materials, Legendary Engravings, Card Packs, and more! Some rewards will include a ‘Toad Token’ which can be redeemed at the vendor for additional items. [h2]STORE[/h2] The Aeromancer Launch Skin "Weather Anomaly" arrives with the Aeromancer’s Arthetine Nightrider Weapon Skin release alongside a new Neria’s Wardrobe and the Midnight Summer Collection! Find the new cosmetics showcased below. [h3]Aeromancer & Neria’s Wardrobe[/h3] [previewyoutube=GxY-hV1jnZk;full][/previewyoutube] [h3]Midnight Summer Cosmetic Collection[/h3] [previewyoutube=af64K9JakpM;full][/previewyoutube] These are just some of the highlights included in the August Update. The full list of QoL changes, updates to daily activities, balance notes, and more can be found on the [url=https://www.playlostark.com/news/articles/august-2023-wield-the-storm-release-notes]August "Wield the Storm" Release Notes Page[/url].