[h1]General changes:[/h1] [list] [*] [b]BUG:[/b] Fixed flickering on maps when playing in non-native resolution [*] [b]TYPE:[/b] Fixed typo that said "dargerous" instead of "dangerous" [*] [b]TYPE:[/b] Fixed typo that said "thight" instead of "tight" [/list] [h1]Changes made to Chapter 1:[/h1] [list] [*] [b]BUG:[/b] Fixed missing portraits on some cutscenes [*] [b]BUG:[/b] Added missing collision to Town's South Side in Kaliningad [*] [b]BUG:[/b] Fixed a bug where Ivan wasn't gaining morale during a boss fight [*] [b]BUG:[/b] Fixed order layer to the abandoned hut in the forest [/list] [h1]Changes made to Chapters 2 and 3:[/h1] [list] [*] [b]BUG:[/b] Fixed NPC disappearing after sidequest in Industrial Zone [*] [b]BUG:[/b] Fixed sidequest that would end in 150% after completion [*] [b]TWEAK:[/b] Smoke Grenade (area skill) is now called Smoke Screen to prevent confusion with item called Smoke Grenade (single-target item) [*] [b]BUG:[/b] Fixed missing collision on last dungeon [*] [b]TYPE:[/b] Fixed typo on Russian dialogue that wasn't capitalized. [/list] [b]NOTE:[/b] Text-based changes might take a bit longer to propagate since our text document gets updated automatically once a day.