Patch Update 19th October 2015 (20151014-371598)
Author: Square_Jason,
published 9 years ago,
In preparation for tomorrows Episode 5 launch, we've just pushed a new patch to Steam.
[*]Episode 1 only users will have roughly a 167MB download.
When Episode 5 becomes available:
[*]3.0GB download for Episode 5
New features added in Episode 1 patch:
[*]Preparation for Episode 5.
[*]New improved lipsync for all episodes.
[*]Collectible mode is now available for all sub contexts even if they don’t contain any collectible.
[*]All rewindable dialogs are now skippable from the start in collectible mode.
[*]When finishing an episode, the continue option on the main menu now launches the next episode.
[*]Collectibles photos format changed from 1:1 to 10:15
Fixes incorporated into the patch
[*]Fixed UI in the main menu not properly centred on certain configurations
[*]Fixed ambient sounds playing in all ending credits.
[*]Fixed sound sometimes glitching when switching episodes.
[*]School corridor: Fixed skeleton interaction so it’s easier to highlight
[*]Girl Dormitory : Fixed interaction with Max’s laptop so it is easier to highlight.
[*]Girl Dormitory : fixed audio/sub from the post-it note item being switched with audio/subs from the birthday card item.
[*]Chloe’s House: Fixed wrong comment from Max on the bird interaction when going back from getting the tools.
All previous patches incorporated.
It includes all fixes in previous patch