Patch Update 18th May 2015 (20150515-312843)
Author: Square_Jason,
published 9 years ago,
In preparation for tomorrows Episode 3 launch, we've just pushed a new patch to Steam.
[*]Episode 1 only users will have roughly a 161MB download.
[*]Season pass users will also have an additional 199MB more to download for the updated Episode 2 data. This makes it an approximate 360MB download.
When Episode 3 becomes available at 00:01 UTC:
[*]1.9 GB download for Episode 3
Specific issues addressed in Episode 1 patch:
[*]Added a ‘windowed borderless’ mode in the options menu.
[*]Fixed the rewind tutorial prompt sometimes not appearing in Episode 1’s classroom, blocking progression.
[*]Fixed Low/Medium video setting sometimes causing texture corruptions.
[*]Fixed sound issues when alt-tabbing while movies are playing.
[*]Fixed a crash when quitting the game on a 32bit OS.
Here is the changelist specific to Episode 2:
[*]Fix interaction with Kate’s book in Max room that sometimes would not display and trigger properly.
[*]Added clues in Junkyard to signal the way to one bottle that was tough to find, based on community feedback.
[*]Added missing staff to end credits.
[*]Added a missing SMS about the plant – automatically added in Episode03 for those who missed it.
It includes all fixes in previous patch