[img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/35009b3d2e1fc56d55f26257388bc5d2/tumblr_nolc7uMfMC1uw1vxro1_1280.png[/img] It's been 8 weeks since Life is Strange Episode 2 launched and the reactions to the story so far have been great to read. In Episode 3 things are heating up and it looks like Max will have even more tough decisions to make. What will Max and Chloe uncover at Blackwell Academy? Will Max find another use for her power? Alongside Episode 3, we have also launched our brand new [url=http://www.lifeisstrange-blog.tumblr.com]Tumblr blog![/url] We will be hosting a wide selection of content here which will include community interviews, gifs, videos and more. Be sure to check it out and follow us! We look forward to hearing your reactions to the latest installment of Life is Strange How is your launch day going? Let us know in the comments below (no spoilers though).