We recently managed to catch up with Michel Koch and Luc Baghadoust and ask them some of the questions fans asked over in this [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/lifeisstrange/comments/4dm2ry/quickfire_qa_with_dontnod_developers_what_do_you/]Reddit thread[/url]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jPeq1NzxF0 [B]Q&A:[/B] 00:03 - How did you pick the music and songs for specific scenes? 02:00 - Is there an artist or song you didn't manage to include, but would have liked to? 03:05 - Is there an artist or song you could recommend fans check out? 04:22 - What kind of influences did you draw from? 05:20 - Were there any scenes or parts of the story that were cut? 09:07 - What were the main things you looked for when casting characters? 13:40 - Did Chloe change very much during development? 16:00 - Was there ever a third or a different main character? 17:44 - What would you add to the game if you had unlimited resources? 21:23 - How did you pick what issues to focus on in Life is Strange? Michel Koch and Raoul Barbet at GDC - [url=http://www.gdcvault.com/play/1023468/-Life-is-Strange-Case]Using Interactive Storytelling and Game Design to Tackle Real-World Problems/[/url]