With [b]one day to go until the release[/b], we thought we should give the Steam page some love and attention! We’ve been working [i]super hard[/i] to get Leximan ready for everyone to play, and we’re so excited (and nervous) that you grublins finally have the chance to check out the full game! Since we are nearing the end, we felt it was right to return to the beginning… but in ~[b]trivia form![/b]~ [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43838474/6752485ff0da5f87ea5d9d1443183b4ac9696c0a.gif[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43838474/19822220459b12d3dbf3d1382de80e7785057b09.png[/img] [h3]We have collated some fun facts, it’s your chance to guess whether they are true or false. Ready?[/h3] [list] [*] Leximan started with the word ‘repair’. [spoiler]True! Leximan began as a Global Game Jam project where the prompt was 'repair', so we went with the idea of 'repairing' broken words. Worked out pretty well if we do say so ourselves![/spoiler] [*] Leximan started with just three encounters. [spoiler]True! We made one for each of us at Knights of Borria, and technically had the idea for a fourth one, but it was never created.[/spoiler] [*] Leximan was originally a dog. [spoiler]False! Although the idea of Lexidog sounds fun too… Maybe that's one for the future![/spoiler] [*] We planned for development to take up to 3 years. [spoiler]False! The concept was created within 48 hours for the Global Game Jam, we then originally had planned for Leximan to be a quick 6-month project to get our game studio up and running, and here we are 2 years later...[/spoiler] [*] Our animated text system is called Animtext! [spoiler]True! We spoke about this in our first [i][url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2017200/view/3686805432416943519?l=english]Behind the Scenes[/url][/i] post here on Steam![/spoiler] [*] Wressa's original name was just 'creepy woman' [spoiler]True! The character began as just a bit-part, as a girl with the creepy 'long stringy hair over face' horror movie trope. But we loved the character (and you will too!) so we gave her a bigger role, named her Wressa, and now she's one of the game's main characters. Still a lil creepy lookin' and all.[/spoiler] [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43838474/19822220459b12d3dbf3d1382de80e7785057b09.png[/img] We made it! How many did you guess correct? 🎉 We will see you tomorrow for the launch of Leximan, the time has finally arrived! Make sure to follow us on [url=https://twitter.com/borria]social media[/url] for any updates. [url=https://discord.gg/Fy9VeDt7X3][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43838474/55ef4b723c4dbc82d7714b5fb6f5fd9ad1b1f286.jpg[/img][/url] quack, - Marvelous community duck, Kiera