[h3][b]General Changes[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Added inbox system that will have news, and important communication and also will be the place players will get rewards/compensations from; [*] Improved weapon sway and jumping with weapons animations; [*] Added barter wishlists logic (you can select items in barter that will highlight components for barter in game); [*] Mutants are now shown on the motion detector; [*] Preparation for Halloween event. [/list] [h3][b]Bug Fixes[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Potentially fixed most of the instances where monster attacks could be triggered several times; [*] Several minor ui/ux bug fixes; [*] Fixed several death tips using incorrect death reasons; [*] Fixed several animations that could break during melee attacks; [/list] [b]Please restart the game and install the patch.[/b] Expect a much bigger patch next week.