[h3][b]What's New?[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Fixed Repeat skill [*] Disarm skill disabled until fixing it [*] Count Vesper now disapears after combat. [*] Fixed Loot drop on Enemies around Gamma Puzzle board to drop Gamma Puzzle Pieces. [*] Fixed Fight Encounter at Deepgrass Town that freezes the game. [*] Fixed NPC at High Hill who displays Palala location. [*] Fixed final door at the dungeon behind Mu Puzzle Board. [*] Minor NPC text updates. [/list] [h3][b]Known Issues[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Lack of feedback on Letalis with Locked Equipment. [*] Highland Ship is not displaying the right Travel Animation. [*] Game cannot be switched to Windows mode. [*] Occasionally, the game freezes on the white flash after combat ends. [/list] [h3][b]Important Notice[/b][/h3] [*] Save files from the LETALIS Demo can cause the game to function improperly. Unfortunately, the best solution is to start a new game from scratch. Sorry for the inconvenience!