We are excited to present Version of our game, a major update that enhances both performance and playability. Here are the key highlights of this release: More information on the website: [url=https://maybe-ange.com/legends-of-kailrate#patch-notes]Legends of Kailrate - Patch Notes[/url] [list] [*] [b]Keyboard Display:[/b] Fixed display issues for WASD/ZQSD keyboards. [*] [b]QWERTY Combination:[/b] Resolved an issue that prevented access to the pause menu on WASD keyboards. [*] [b]Optimization and FPS Display:[/b] Fixed FPS display issues and optimized in-game performance. [*] [b]Music Transition Management:[/b] Fixed a bug that caused a music change when exiting the game’s audio zone. [*] [b]User Interface Update:[/b] Enhanced the interface for a better user experience. [*] [b]Graphics Settings Optimization:[/b] Adjustments made to improve graphical quality and performance. [*] [b]Crash Resolution:[/b] Fixed crashes on low-performance PC configurations. [*] [b]Boss EXP Rebalancing:[/b] Adjusted boss experience from 1,000/25,000 EXP to 5,200/10,000 EXP. [*] [b]Spawn Bug Fix:[/b] Fixed an issue where a boss would spawn above an Unreal object in the center of the map (0.238% chance). [*] [b]Credits Stabilization:[/b] Eliminated audio bugs in the credits. [*] [b]Performance Improvement:[/b] Overall performance has been optimized, and FPS drops caused by enemy spawns have been corrected. [*] [b]Update Reminder:[/b] Added an update reminder system. [*] [b]Leaderboard:[/b] A leaderboard is now available online and in-game. [*] [b]Real-Time Game Stats:[/b] Track kills and game sessions in real-time with stats on kills versus games played. [/list]