Hi everyone! With the game just released, I thought it would be fun to do a little challenge. So the first 5 people to unlock the ascension ending [b]win an extra copy of King of the Bridge![/b] But that is not all... The winners can also [b]co-design a secret rulebook page that I will put in the game*[/b] [i]*not a functional rule, purely a joke / easteregg that will be displayed somewhere on the bridge during act 2[/i] [b]Challenge Requirements[/b] [olist] [*] Unlock the "The Great Beyond" achievement [*] Make sure your steam account / achievements are visible to public [*] Send an email to finn.schuuring.community@gmail.com with as subject "Ascension Challenge". Please include a link to your steamprofile so I can verify that you have unlocked the achievement. [*] I will get back to you if you won! [/olist] [url=https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44419938/420f378a1bf520cce07b5036cf31015cd5412231.png][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44419938/40c52f78308804a57a419dd750975ae3149b11fc.png[/img][/url] Alright that's all! Have fun playing everyone, Finn